Sunday, September 26, 2010

Team 122 FBC Southern Pines Home Construction

On September 7, 2010 First Baptist Church of Southern Pines arrived and ready to build their first home in Honudras. Their enthusiasm was contagious and it extended throughout their week. Their first morning on the job site was somewhat of a challenge because the blocks were quiet a distance from the foundation. But that did not stop them from perservering. They setup an assembly line from the blocks to the foundation and off they went. It took them a while to get this done but in no time the block were laying in the middle of the foundation ready to be laid and formed into a beautiful home for Maria and her family. While they were bringing the block into the foundation Pastor G our construction team leader did the four cornerstones. Before the team started the laying the block they prayed over the first block with the family and the pastor of the church. Pastor G, the construction team leader then showed the team how to lay block the Honduran way. The team caught on very quickly. They laid five courses on their first day. They were right on schedule even when the opportunity with the blocks. As the week progressed the blocks were becoming a beautiful home. Everyone found a job to do and they stuck with it. As the blocks got higher some of the team found other things to do like "Adopt a Path" and visited a nearby school. They always stayed busy doing something to glorify God. As the job came to an end the family got out there and help build a small walkway into the front door of the house. The pregnant lady is Maria's best friend who lives with her and as you continue to read the blog you will see her beautiful gift from God, a little girl. Maria went inside to look at her new home and was so pleased to be able to have it. Her mother put in a soliciation two years ago for this house and died a year ago. So Maria felt like her mother would be very proud and happy of her beautiful new home. To God be the glory.

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