While a few of the men along with the Honduran men working finishing up the roof and floor on the Sunday School Classrooms the rest of the team dived in and started on the house for Myran and his wife and daughter, Hazel. Myran's mother worked as hard as all the men to help build her son a home. This was very special for a young man of 21 to be married and involved in the community church. Myran also worked hard to help build the Sunday School Classrooms. We had several new North Americans on this team this year but after the first hour of labor they were laying block or doing whatever needed to get the job done. It is always amazing how God can place a team together from all walks of life and get His work done. One night during their share time Sterling, a contruction man by tradeshared how in awe he was with the way they got out of their comfort zones and help build this family a home. I believe some of them will be adding built block homes to their resume. They worked hard as a team and built relationships with their Honduran brothers and sisters as well as building the home. As well as with the first team the leftover blocks had to be moved from the Sunday School classrooms to the home which was being built. They all pitched in and loaded up the truck and took the blocks where they needed to go. When the house was completed the team did a home dedication where Pastor Amado shared some words and we laid hands on the house while he prayed for the future of this beautiful couple and their new home.
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