Friday, March 30, 2012


During worship service on Thursday evening Matt blesses us all with "Mary Did You Know". It did not matter about the language barrier when you are singing to glorify Christ Jesus. Thank you for a beautiful job Matt. Buie challenged us all with his testimony of how well we know Jesus Christ as our personal Savior or are we just doing work for him. Buie knew all about God but did not know him personally. Out of Matthew 7:21 not everyone who says I know HIM will enter the Kingdom of God. How well do you know God and his precious Son, Jesus. Thank you Buie. After such an eye opening testimony the team got up there and sang "I'll Fly Away". Pastor Nat followed Buie's lead and ask the question "What is my life?" How well do we know our life? You fall in love and you have a family but what should come first in your life? Jesus Christ should be what we all live for. If I do belong to Jesus Christ life does not matter. We all need to live our lives for eternity. We all need to love what God loves, Think what God thinks, Care what God cares about and have eternity on our minds. What a very challenging evening for all who
attended. As you are reading this I hope you know your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ intimately. I pray this for all today. Jesus is the true joy and peace in our lives.
"Why you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say,"If it is the Lord's will we will live and do this or that."
James 4:14-15

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