Covenant Church team each prepared their personal testimonies before arriving in Honduras. They really did not know each other well until they started preparing their testimonies. Jon proofed each one and wrote them out in Spanish for Egla, our translator. So with that said he was able to catergize each testimony according to the individual stories to be shared. Some were similar and some were not. They started with Steve who was raised in a Christian home and did all the right things. His story became more about pleasing others than it was about pleasing God. Steve shared,"When Jesus died on the cross, He took care of all the consequences of my sins. Salvation was a gift and I did not have to do anything to earn it." Now Steve doesn't have to worry about doing all the right things and to please others. All Steve needs to do now is be faithful to him. Now all Steve does is do what God calls him to do and one of those things was to become a nurse. Thank you Steve for becoming a nurse and leading this group this week.
Debby, our Indian friend is a Christian and also grew up in a Christian family. But like Steve she did all the right things by being in church and looking really good on the outside. While Debby was in nursing school, she attended her uncle's church and four years later accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. Even then Debby struggled in her walk with the Lord. She shares she was headstrong and stubborn. (aren't we all) But she quickly learned she could not do it without the power and strength from the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ who died for her and us.. She shared, "He has shown me that He is the only way, the truth and the life." Her last quote was, "God is good all the time."
Vicki was also raised in a Christian home and went to a Christian school. It was when she was 11 years old she heard at a Good News Bible Club, that she only needed to believe in God and His Son Jesus, but that she needed to receive Jesus into her life as her Saviour. She received Jesus into her life that day at the Good News Bible Club. Vicki shared life has its challenges at times, but she ask Jesus everyday to make her strong and help her to do the things that He has for her to do. She thanks God for all the many blessings in her life.
Victoria grew up in the Philippines. She lived on her grandmother's property in one of her homes. She lived with her mother father and siblings. Her grandmother was very controlling of her family. Victoria became very religious because her grandmother had them in mass every Sunday. They would go to all the special activities at church and we did all the required prayers. She found out at the age of 8 what being a Christian really meant. An American missionary and local pastors were teaching VBS at a nearby school. Her and her siblings escaped their grandmother's watchful eye and attended the VBS. Victoria's parents saw the change in their children and soon started going to a bible study. The bible study became a church and Victoria's entire family started going to church and became active members. Sadly they had to leave their home and her grandmother because her grandmother did not approve of their decision of Christianity. They ended up living with two other families. In moving her family lost her grandmother's blessings. Today Victoria is still learning to trust God more. And she still learns daily how much God loves her for sending his Son for her and our sins. WE all need God's grace. Jesus died for all of us.
Marchele's testimony started out by sharing Romans 8:28 "We know ALL THINGS work together for GOOD for those who love the Lord, who are called according to his purpose." This verse is Marchele's life story and her comfort. When growing up she did not go to church. She sometimes went with her brother. They would walk to a church near their home. She started going every Sunday with a neighbor. She learned to love God more. She learned to pray for every little thing. She prayed God would give her a godly man one day. As a teengager she wanted to have fun and did not worry too much about the consequences. But one October a series of events showed her how she needed God. Her father was diagnosed with a brain tumor and the very next morning after receiving her father's news Marchele and her mother were in a serious car accident. Her mother was critical and Marchele was critical as well. But the worst part was she almost lost her parents. This brought Marchele back to the cross. She prayed for forgiveness and instantly she knew God forgave her. Remember she prayed for a godly man well she got him. But due to the car accident they were unable to get pregnant. During those times of wanting a baby she would turn to the stories in the bible of Rebecca, Rachel, Hannah and Elizabeth. Marchele wanted the faith these women had. That Christmas Eve they got the good news they were going to have not one but two baby girls. God is good all the time. God never promised life would be easy once we become Christians. But he promised to be with us through everything we go through, rather good or bad.
Nikki also was raised in a Christian home with Christian parents. She never remembers a time when she did not know God or love Him. She felt like God gave her a deep love for him as a gift. Nikki was given the verse Psalm 22: 1-5 from God when she was a child. She has reflected over those words hundreds of times over her life. They have always brought her hope and peace. God has gotten Nikki through some rough times in her life just like everyone else. But Nikki turned to God's Word to see her through. Nikki wants to share what God has done for her life with others. Coming to Honduras was such a great blessing for Nikki as she shared her gift of God's deep love for her with others. Thank you Nikki for your willingness to share God's love with others.
Our last testimony was Jon, who was raised Roman Catholic. He sought meaning in his life through success and acceptance. He was an excellent student and try to please everyone. He had many accomplishments in life. He had a hard time making friends, especially when he went off to college. He meant one young man named Gerald who was his friend. He felt Gerald had something special about him but Jon could not figure out at the time what. One night Gerald mentioned he was going bowling and would Jon like to go. He told Jon he was going bowling with some Christian friends and to a worship service as well. They sang a song:
"Beloved, let us love one another
For love is of God, and everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God
He that loveth not, knoweth not God, for God is love!!!"
Through these words God taught Jon things about him that he never understood before. He was amazed!! God is love!!! Also, He enables us to truly love one another. After God revealed this to Jon he prayed to HIm and asked forgiveness for all his sins and he asked HIM to take control his life. Jon is thankful for Gerald taking him bowling that night and to share the gospel with him.
I am thankful for each and everyone of these testimonies. We all have a story and they are all different just like the ones above. We all can relate to at least one of these stories. I challenge myself and you today, do we truly have a personl relatonship with Jesus Christ where HE has complete control of our lives and we go to HIM with every detail of our lives. Do we read the bible daily to seek HIS guidance in our daily walk with HIM. This was our last team of 2012. For many reasons I did not do this blog until today January 4, 2013. But God knew this was the beginning of a new year. I want to challenge us all who read this to give Jesus Christ our total being. Give HIM complete control of every detail of our lives and let's read the bible this year daily. I will begin reading the bible through for the third time this year. This is sad to say I have only read it through three times in my life time. Do not make this mistake. I challenge you read God's word through this 2013 year and get to know our God who created us all and who wants a personal realtionship with each of us. He desires to be with us. Desire to be with HIM.