Monday, January 21, 2013

The Reason We Serve In Honduras

We come to Honduras group after group to build homes, do medical teams and of course to evangelise.  But through all these many tools our main reason for being here is to bring the lost to Jesus Christ.  All around us are hurting and dying people who do not know who Jesus Christ is.  They do not know HIM as their personal Lord and Savior.  Well our first team of the year allowed God to use them in building a home and doing VBS to bring TEN children to Christ.  We now have TEN new brothers and sisters in Christ.  PRAISE THE LORD for allowing Pittsboro Baptist to be here in Honduras at this time and place to be HIS instruments to the salvations of these young people.  God also allowed the team to finish their phyiscal labor they had come to do even with the delay on their first day.  They were able to work in several more games of futbol and VBS for two days.  They finished their week worshiping in church on Sunday while Pastor Jon brought the message.  At the end of the service Mark and Matt shared a video of the Widow and Oil.  The congregation came forward to watch this 20 minute video on how God provides all we need at all times. 
2 Kings 4: 1-7
The Widow's Olive Oil
Read and realize how God gives us more than we can ever imagine if we only have the faith like the widow.  This week Pittsboro exhibited their faith in many ways as they allowed God to use them to bring abundant blessing for others and then in returned was doubly blessed.  This is how our God works.  He is majestic and mighty in power.  Thank you Heavenly Father for allowing us to serve you here in Honduras. 

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