Monday, February 20, 2017

Fellowship Time

Each evening after another delicious meal the guys cleaned up the kitchen and headed out to the porch for devotionals and God moments.  Derek started out the first night challenging his friends with a positive word from the Holy Bible, Ezra 10:4.  As the week came to an end Derek reflected back on this verse and shared how God provided all their needs all week, protected them and no one got hurt seriously anyway.  God provides our courage and led us to do it this week.  The part in the scripture where it reads we will be with you is where the community came forward and helped them accomplish the task God set them out to do.  Each evening the guys led amazing devotions.  Bob shared out of Mark 11:24.  He discussed Francis Chan's book Crazy Love about lukewarm Christians.  God wants an intimate relationship with us.  And how we need to seek first the kingdom of God and don't be anxious about life.  We as well as the Hondurans all have same needs, we need to feed our families, we need to provide work for our families and we need to provide a place to live for our families.  Bob shared the Hondurans truly understand what the kingdom of God means and what it represents.  We can learn from them Bob shared. 
Finally Joel shared when was the last time someone ask you about your life in Christ?  When was the last time you invited someone to church with you?  There are two items of witnessing for Christ, one is to be able to share your testimony.  Everyone has a testimony if they are believers in Christ.  Number two pray for opportunities to share the gospel with someone. These are great thoughts as Christians we need to heed.  As Christians we should be bold in our witness about the one who gave his life for us.  Who died a brutal death for a bunch of sinners.  We need to shout it to the mountain tops how awesome our Lord and Savior truly is in our lives.  All God's people shouted AMEN.

Rise up; this matter is in your hands. We will support you, so take courage and do it."
Ezra 10:4

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Mark 11;24

Image result for 1 Peter 3:13-18 images

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