Monday, October 28, 2019

Meeing Our Church Family

As each team member entered the front door of the church after being greeted with warm welcomes from outside the church doors they were getting excited about what their week was going to become.  There was so much love and compassion immediately from this Honduran church family and from the North American team.  The Holy Spirit was in this place.  Everyone felt the unity of each other fairly quickly as Mike introduced Joey and team.  The pastor's wife apologized for her husband Alberto for not being there but praise God he has a job.  There was numerous church members there which was great since we had five different groups to go out but also they do not have work or took off of work to serve their church family.  How many of us reading this today would take off of work to go evangelize with a bunch of folks you have never met before for God's kingdom work?  What an inspiration this church family was to all of us who took out six days of their week dropping their family chores to go door to door to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Please realize this North American team of 15 have been preparing, prepping and praying for eight months as well as these Hondurans who have only been praying for this day to come.  They went out this first day with complete strangers even the translators except for Meida and how God took each one of these people of two different nationalities and languages and used them to go spread the good news that Jesus is alive and wants us all to become a child of God.
Stacy's devotional the first night was spot on for the week ahead.  She shared two words similar but very different too.  Lost and Loss.  She asked the question what is different about these two words.  Ryan shared one has a T and one does not. The word loss is an emotion temporary or what we left behind. The word lost simply means we all know someone who is lost, who does not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  She challenged her team members to seek out someone this week who is lost and needs our Lord and Savior.  We need to reach out to folks who are disengaged and we need to make the most of all situations.    Don't be so busy in your task of doing the cube and miss the opportunity  to share the gospel with all who need to hear it.  WE need to all let go of ourselves and let God do what He has called all here to do serve HIM.

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