Thursday, November 14, 2019

Fish Fry in Cedeno

After the gables were completed it was a time of celebration.  If you are working in Cedeno it is most likely you will enjoy a fish fry one of the five days there.  Today was the team's blessing.  I thought back to Matt's devotional about Matthew 6 about worrying.  This family literally found out about getting a home two weeks ago.  Somehow they imagined to get their foundation completed in record time and provide about twenty people with a nice fish plate with chismol and tajadas and tortillas.  Did they worry about what they would be eating next week after the team was gone, I don't think so.  This family lives each day for their Lord and blessings those who come there way.  This week they blessed all the workers and others with a nice helping of fish and the trimmings. We can learn from our Honduran friends how to not worry and bless others with our abundance instead of only taking care of your wants.  Matt shared how their life is such a blessing and we all could learn from it how simple our brothers and sisters live and how much more joy they have because of their lifestyle.  So this fish fry was a huge sacrifice for Pastor Martin and family but they were grateful to God first for providing them a home.  

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