Saturday, October 17, 2020

Dos Jefes

Pastor Carolos and Mike have missed doing this for others this year.  They did a couple of homes in Pavana back in June but not any construction since those days.  I, Ginger, have permission to say what I a fixing to say about these two godly men.  They have gotten soft.  Yes they have worked very hard on Monte de Horeb Ministry Campus moving rocks, repairing needed structures and working on the road into the campus due to so much rain.  But this construction labor is much hotter work especially when you are not use to it.  So all my North American families who are reading this today Ginger prays you can get back down here in 2021 to help these two hard working men out.  We need you desperately.  They picked right up on that roof as if they had just done one last week.  Those two working together is a most precious site.  They are two well greased machines together.  They compliment each other in so many ways.  This is definitely a gift from God as well to have two bosses who worked side by side in such a godly way. They also have a compassion of grace about both of them.  Even the house pet, Dunkin, loved on Pastor Carlos.  Mike made a friend this week as well, six year old Jose, yes another Jose.  He carried his reputation along with his name very well.  There is just something about the name Jose which just warms your heart.  On the last day he was the one who brought my chair out and put under the shade tree along with his little wooden chair and we sat there together watching the home go up for his uncle.  Monte de Horeb Ministries looks forward to seeing all our North American families back next year to enjoy all these God moments we are having.

Jesus answered him, " It is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God and serve HIM only.'"
Luke 4:8


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