Friday, May 21, 2021
Faith Community Church First Home in Tapatoca
Prepping for the First Block
All these things have to be done to get that first block into place. Pastor Carlos first of all gathers everyone together each day to start our day with our Heavenly Father. He open the men up in prayer before any work was done. What a godly example Pastor Carlos exhibits for his men who respect and honor him in so many different ways. They worked hard first of all for Jesus but they also respect their earthly boss as well. This is a good team of workers God has created for us when North Americans cannot come and serve beside us. God's provisions through Faith Community Church is allowing five families food on their tables at least once a day maybe twice. To God be the glory for great things He hath done. The homeowner Miguel and his brother in law and a friend named Walter helped mixed the mescal all week along with O'Neal leading their way. I don't believe these gentlemen had ever mixed mescal until this week. But they definitely mixed some of the best batches of mud ever. So while Walter was collecting buckets of water to go into the blue barrel O'Neal, Carlos Jr, brother in law of Miguel, Betsy's brother, and Miguel were working hard on the first batch of mescal of the day. During this time Pastor Carlos was leveling the foundation for the four corners to go in and oops there was a huge problem. The foundation was not squared. As Pastor Carlos always says "No problem" he went about fixing the beginning of a continued problem up to the last day of the project. But God is so good and HE can fix anything. Hallelujah!!!! Praise God for talented and gifted men who know how to correct a human error. We are all sinners saved by God's grace and forgiven for our mistakes as we need to forgive each other.
Miguel Betsy and Miguel Jr
As all those projects began to be completed we ask Miguel to have his wife, Betsy and their son, Miguel Jr. join us to pray over the first block of their long waited home. Two years ago we talked to Betsy at another piece of property and told her we could give her a home. But not sure what happened but six months later their base was not ready which sometimes happens. So we moved on and God blessed another family. At the end of 2020 Betsy reached out to Pastor Carlos and said she has a new piece of land with papers. Her family was ready for their home to be built. This was all in God's timing. So we gathered the family and Honduran workers together around the first block and I called a lady from Faith Community Church named Bobbi. I ask Mrs. Bobbi was she ready to pray over the first block. Mrs. Bobbie with a lot of enthusiasm said, "Yes ma'am let's do it." Ginger translated for Mrs. Bobbie and what a beautiful Spirit filled prayer came from Mrs. Bobbie's heart unto her lips. God was glorified and exemplified throughout her prayer. God's protection and provision for this home was to the glory of God and His Son Jesus alone!!! Amen y Amen Thank you so much Mrs. Bobbie for a humble yet powerful and profound prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Praise God the family understood my Spanish and God was totally glorified at this moment.
Let the House Become a Home
Quaint Tapatoca
Oh My
Answered Prayer
All week I thought back on the first time I met Betsy two years ago. This community called Tapatoca is prominently Catholic. Two years ago God laid on my heart to ask her where she was going to do when she died. Her answer to me was "I am a Catholic". I said this is not what I asked you. Do you know where you are going to go today if you were to die. Her answer to me was "No". So Pastor Carlos at this point took over simply because I wanted to make sure she understood what she was saying about her future. Wow, Pastor Carlos did a phenomenal job and was quiet blunt with her future as a Catholic. So two years past and here we are building her and her family a home, regardless of their faith walk. BUT, all week I have been praying about asking her this question again and I did on the last day of her home being finished. I called Meida to help me to make sure I did not say anything in Spanish incorrect. Praise God Hallelujah she is my sister in Christ. So two years ago the seed was planted and somewhere along the way she received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. Mike and I both said her entire demeanor was so much more pleasant this week. She was radiant and joyful, not just because she was getting a home. She simply carried herself very different and worked hard all week cooking these men very delicious meals. Her hospitality was one of Jesus not man!!! Mike was finished with his opportunity, the roof, he came over and sat with us. We were talking to Miguel, Jr and he is 11 years old and does not like school at all, but loves Math. So we asked him what he liked to do. He helps his father herd a gentleman named Pedro's cattle and loves to care for his two donkeys and one horse. So this child may never go to school higher than the six grade but he will have a job to do as he gets older and it is one he truly enjoys doing, herding cattle with his father. And when his father is at work as a security guard about two hours away for a shrimp company Miguel Jr will continue helping Pedro herd the cattle. I truly enjoyed sitting there and getting to know them more personally waiting for the floor to be completed. They have lived in Tapatoca their entire lives. After many years of renting from Pedro they are now going to have their own home on their own land. After a delicious lunch of chicken soup Pastor Carlos, Cristobal and Miguel built a small porch on the front door and the back door. While they were working on this well the rest of us enjoyed another coke and rosqueses (which is a sweet cheese cracker with cinnamon on top) one of our favorite treats here in Honduras. Betsy gave Mike and Pastor Carlos a whole tub of special cheese for making pupusas. She was so grateful for all these men did for her and her family this week as she lavished us with her finest gifts of all, her love by gifting us her best, cheese and rosqueses.