Friday, May 21, 2021

Prepping for the First Block


All these things have to be done to get that first block into place.  Pastor Carlos first of all gathers everyone together each day to start our day with our Heavenly Father.  He open the men up in prayer before any work was done. What a godly example Pastor Carlos exhibits for his men who respect and honor him in so many different ways. They worked hard first of all for Jesus but they also respect their earthly boss as well.  This is a good team of workers God has created for us when North Americans cannot come and serve beside us.  God's provisions through Faith Community Church is allowing five families food on their tables at least once a day maybe twice.  To God be the glory for great things He hath done.  The homeowner Miguel and his brother in law and a friend named Walter helped mixed the mescal all week along with O'Neal leading their way.  I don't believe these gentlemen had ever mixed mescal until this week.  But they definitely mixed some of the best batches of mud ever.  So while Walter was collecting buckets of water to go into the blue barrel O'Neal, Carlos Jr, brother in law of Miguel, Betsy's brother, and Miguel were working hard on the first batch of mescal of the day.  During this time Pastor Carlos was leveling the foundation for the four corners to go in and oops there was a huge problem.  The foundation was not squared.  As Pastor Carlos always says "No problem" he went about fixing the beginning of a continued problem up to the last day of the project.  But God is so good and HE can fix anything.  Hallelujah!!!!  Praise God for talented and gifted men who know how to correct a human error.  We are all sinners saved by God's grace and forgiven for our mistakes as we need to forgive each other.

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