Saturday, October 16, 2021


This was a very intense week of cornhole.  Each evening after dinner we gathered around the boards to see what would unfold.  There was one evening when I did not have my camera to capture the best game of the week.  Cameron and Aubrey vs Jansen and Jessica.  Actually I cannot put into words how entertaining this particular game was.  I have never saw Conor, Joshua or Mike laugh so hard.  Let's just say Aubrey won five times in one game.  But the best part of the week was how Jansen never gave up.  He kept playing against Mike and Cameron with whoever would play with him and never once won a game. But the beauty of this was his beautiful smile and attitude as he walked away defeated.  You see here Jansen was the winner simply because of his positive attitude in loosing.  Let's just say as I finish out this part of the story Mike and Cameron were undefeated the entire week.  One eye half brain did a good job against all those young people.  This was such a fun week laughing and joking over a simple game called cornhole.


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