As the morning progressed Rebecca continued bringing patients to each room. They saw a lot of mal nutrition and body aches and pains. Dr. Brian was able to take a broken table and lay a lady on it and pop a rib back in place. On the end of the first day they saw 87 patients and on Wednesday they were able to see 132 patients. Please realize they were having teaching moments as well as seeing the patients. On the first day they did several complete physicals to give the students some experience in several areas of medicine. They took the resources before them and provided excellent health care to each and every person who came through the medical clinic.
Some of the God moments for this community were the women's hands were working hands.
Liza asked one lady what she did for a living and the woman smiled and said, " I cook, clean the house, collect firewood for cooking and whatever else needs to be done for my family." Liza said she said this with such pride. Do we take pride in our everyday routine of living? Do we praise the Lord for the opportunity to cook and clean our homes? Do whatever it takes to help our family as needed and do it with such joy? Sara shared how simple is a joyful way of life. The children are really children here. They enjoy playing outside and getting dirty playing soccer. The children enjoy life to the fullest. Leslie shared how she enjoyed watching them play together. One of the students shared how we connected very quickly with the Honduran people. The Honduran people are full of love for others and put others before themselves. Our first medical clinic was a huge success and we all walked away with so much more than we went there with. We were far more blessed than the 219 patients we saw this week. Thank you Campbell Medical School for a job well done.
"Well done good and faithful servant."
Matthew 25:23
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