For those of you who have been coming for the last three years and on the first night enjoyed the traditional beans, rice, plantains and tortillas well this is the young lady who has been preparing your tortillas. Rosa can no longer make the tortillas for us due to medical reasons so she asked one day could her friend make them and we can pay her. The first day of the construction people kept coming and going to Ms. Tomosa's kitchen and leaving with a bag of something. So Mike wondered over to see what was going on in the kitchen. For years Ms. Tomosa has been preparing and selling tortillas to the locals in her community and us as well. We did not know this lady who so desperately needed a home was the same lady who has been making our tortillas for our first meal of the week. As the week progressed Maida, our translator asked her how many tortillas she makes a day. She shared with a proud smile on her face over 3,000.00. She sells them for L1.00 for three. You can do the math. She and her daughters work very hard everyday to provide for their family During the week Bradly observed her feeding the local children tortillas without charging them anything. Ms. Tomosa is a true servant of God. She gives out to others beyond what she has. Thank you Ms. Tomosa for showing us true genuine Christianity this week through your actions and your words. We are blessed to have gotten to meet and know you this week.
Proverbs 31:10-31
Woman of Noble Character is our Ms. Tomosa
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