The worship service started out singing praises unto the Lord. The team was getting into this worship service with all hands and arms in motion. The presence of the Holy Spirit was in this place. They read a famous scripture Psalm 133 in Spanish from Pastor Gorge's wife, Ruth and English version was read by Ginger. Pastor Gorge got up to welcome everyone for being in church today. This church averages 80 plus children and teenagers each week. There was over 150 total by the end of the service. This was a beautiful sight seeing this many children and especially the teenagers in church. The teenagers were already there doing a bible study in another part of the church. They had their bibles out and notebooks in hand studying God's word. What a testimony for all of us to experience such beauty in God's house.
The team shared two songs one was contemporary and they sang it all in Spanish. The second was an old hymn, "Victory in Jesus. They sang the verses in English and the chorus in Spanish. The congregation joined in on the parts of Spanish. John got up and shared his testimony of how we can learn so much from our children. He shared he has learned how to be patient, time does not matter and things broken are not eternal from his son Eric. How beautiful it is when we allow the children to change our lives if we would only let them. Mike got up to share his testimony and he shared how he wished churches back home could have this many young people in church to worship the Lord. He shred how he grew up in church but was led a stray and brought back into the ways of the world as a teenager. But a few years back God led him back to church and his life has been forever changed. Mike shared it is humbling to know I can go to God with anything and He will take care of me.
Ruth, Pastor' wife shared scripture from Mark 10:13 in letting the little ones come unto me. This is definitely the case in this church. This church is full of eager and inquisitive minds wanting to learn more about Jesus. Most all the children had bibles they were looking up the scripture as it was being shared throughout the worship service. The children were dismissed to go to Sunday School as Steve prepared to bring the message on "Almost". Steve shared he prayed this message today will either encourage the believers or bring the lost to Christ. Pray that through the Holy Spirit your life will be forever changed. Almost is a big problem all over the world. Steve shares the scripture about the Rich Young Man out of Mark 10:17-22. He was not willing to give up everything he had to follow Jesus. His stuff was more important to him than his eternity with Jesus. You can almost be saved or not exactly saved or being close but not saved. A lot of folks never make the decision the most important decision of their lives because of so many excuses. I will do it tomorrow, maybe, they enjoy life just like it is, they do not want to give up their worldly ideas or they just think it is all fictious. This is a scary thought for us as believers in Christ. People do not take this decision seriously and it is the most important decision they will every make. One day when they are before God at judgement there will not be a second chance. There will not be any more excuses. Steve shared out James 4:13-16 about all these excuses people have to say NO to Jesus.
What keeps people from being almost there? Number One is worldly thinking. People do not fully understand who God truly is. Number Two is worldly pleasures. They know what they are doing are not pleasing in God's eyes yet they continue to live out these lives of the worldly pleasures. I will sin just one more time and then maybe I will say yes to Jesus. There is no second chances Thirdly your own personal ambition is more important than God. What you can get out of life is more important than a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. You may think being a member of a gang is the life to have but this is only a terrible journey for you to follow as Pastor Gorge shouted AMEN! Joining God's team is an eternal life with God and His Son, Jesus. A life of no more sorrow, no more pain. You are going through life and everything is okay you think. You can handle this without God until your marriage fells, you get a terminal illness or someone dear passes. Who do you turn to then? Can you do this alone? No, you cannot. This is why you need Jesus Christ to get you through the good times as well as the bad times. Today there is no reason you should leave here and not know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. You have heard it now it is your choice. Steve encouraged them to get with Pastor Gorge if they are ready to receive the sweetest gift of all, Jesus.
While Steve was preaching there was about 50 little ones hearing about Jesus as well. Claire read John 3:16 and shared with them about how Jesus can be their Lord and Savior if they only let Him into their lives. Alex translated the message as Claire shared. Before starting they sang numerous songs with the children. They were able to make a cross out of popsicle sticks to take home as a reminder of Jesus dying for their sins. The worship service was dismissed with everyone shaking hands and greeting each other in the name of Jesus. This was a beautiful day in the house of the Lord.
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