Each day these young people learned something new. One day Logan and Mason got a huge lesson in playing marbles. They had not ever played a marble game until this week. Eduardo taught them the game and obviously was very patient with them and I am pretty sure beat them each time. Pastor Zach also got to learn how to play marbles. It was so sweet to see these young people taking time with a eight year old doing something definitely out of their comfort zone. Now Kyle and Keeley played Logan and Mason in some corn hole one evening. This was a game they all knew and knew very well. One evening no pictures here because I was in the tournament Kyle and I played Keeley and Colby to a tournament championship game. Since I am not boastful we will not share the winners. But the fellowship those evenings playing with these three young people was more than any championship could offer. I was so truly blessed to have the privilege playing with Keeley, Colby and Kyle in one of my favorite sports, corn hole. Thank you all for such a great time,
Everyone fell in love with the rock followed by devotionals on the porch each evening. This is where we all were able to reflect on our day and on our day. Some heart felt moments was had by all. Charlie's devotional was on asking God what His plan is for us this week and in our lives. We all came out of our comfort zones to come here and allow God to use us. Allow God to lead us as we are serving Him this week.
Steven one evening shared his testimony . Steven's devotional was right in line with Charlies as he shared to listen to God when He speaks to you, listen intently to what He wants you to do with your life. His will not yours. Trust in God and lets get our of our comfort zones and serve Him totally this week.
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