Saturday, January 19, 2019

Great Job North Americans

Of all days the melon field was full of working men and women planting melon seeds. The fourth day of the project where the team needs to start putting down some of the floor and take down the scaffolding after placing all the metal beams in place. This group stepped up to the plate and went at it with all they had.  Melanie and April were hauling bags of cement along with Robert, Mason and Logan.  Steven April and Colby were sifting the special sand for the floor which is a lot heavier because of the rocks mixed in with them.  Mr. Mike got Mason and Logan with him and taught them how to mix the mescal for the floor.  It was a little different from the prior recipe they learned earlier in the week.  This team mixed the mescal for the floor while Pastor Carlos, Zach, Charlie, Robert and Colby, also Mason and Logan tamped the floor prepping it for the floor.  These nine people were doing it all.  But the flip side to this was 100 plus people had worked that day and we all give God praise and honor for the work these people are doing to provide us North Americans with melons at our fingertips.  Steven got the privilege to go over to the melon field to see how they process the melons from start to finish.  Most of this is all done by hand.  Steven inquired why don't they use the equipment they have to do this work.  The foreman shared if they did 100 people would not have work.  If they don't have work they cannot feed their families.  The work in the melon field is seasonal. They work from January to June and then it is over until the next year.  These people have to work when they can and they work very hard for their families and for us as well.  So the next time you get a melon from the grocery store and it says Honduras one of these folks may have planted the seed to produce your melon.

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