Friday, February 1, 2019

Carrying the Load

As the roof was going up the rest of the floor was going down.  It took all of us to get this job done.  Pastor Saul's family was helping carry the water to help mix the mud for the floor.  Pastor Saul's wife and children sat an example for all of us as Christian to serve the Lord with gladness.  It was beautiful to see a Honduran Pastor having his family come out on the day of the dedication not only to celebrate along beside us but to work along side of us.  There was not a task too grand for this servant family.  Meida and a former home owner who got their home in August of last year came out to help a friend get their home completed.  It was truly a community effort and without saying Fernando worked beyond potential on this day with a smile on his face. This was one of the most beautiful examples of servant hearts I have ever experienced here in Honduras.  It was as if it was contagious seeing others work, you just wanted to jump in and do your part as well.  It takes all God's people to complete what He has called us all to do, serve others in HIS NAME.

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