Friday, February 1, 2019

Welcome Pastor John and Kelly

God truly blessed us this with Pastor John and Kelly coming down with Joel to serve beside us.  They brought so much along with them on this week.  They both are very gifted in many different ways but all for the Kingdom of God.  Kelly had the gift of speaking Spanish, love for children and the love of children.  She always had a smile on her face no matter what the situation may be.  She was willing to do whatever needed with a cheerful heart.  We would say where is Kelly?  Someone would say probably helping the ladies cook lunch or pumping the water from the well.  She was always a very busy girl.  While she was busy her sweet husband was off working very hard beside Joel, Beau and Rick.  They were small in numbers but powerful in the Spirit.  Pastor John also brought a sweet spirit of a servant heart, quickly the love of the Honduran people and willingness to do whatever needed to get the job completed each and every day.  Their smiles were contagious as well as their laughter.  Their spiritual strength they brought to the team was an inspiration for us all.  God truly blessed Honduras this week by allowing these two beautiful godly Christian people to come here and serve beside us.  Thank you God for allowing this to happen during this time and place.

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