Sunday, February 2, 2014


This team worked five straight days and ended their week in worship with the people of El Talbor.  The church started slowly filling up as the adults and children came from different paths of the community.  The children of the church lead in a couple of hymns.  FBC Raleigh #2 sang two songs.  There was a quartet of Dennis, Kristen, Rhonda and Rachel who sang one of my favorites, "Open the Eyes to my Heart".  The church sang several songs one being "Victory in Jesus".  Everyone looked around and smiled from the North American team.  "Victory in Jesus was the other song the whole group planned on singing later in the service.  Rick said there will be two victories today and Rachel shared this was a God moment.  Rick shared from God's word how we are all called to be disciples of Christ, going where he says to go and sharing the gospel.  He challenged the church and the North American in being disciples of Christ. There was a lot of distractions for Rick while preaching and he almost got discouraged until Eddie shared with him if only one person heard God's word today it was done.  As I stood at the back taking it all in I observed Alexis listening to every word Rick was sharing from the pulpit.  Eddie was right if only one person would hear the sermon and the one person was our friend, Alexis.   At the end of the service the team got up to sing, "Victory in Jesus" once again.  The Hondurans were listening and realized they had sung and knew and sang along with the North Americans.  Then Pastor David closed out the service singing "Jesus Loves Me" which was another song the FBC Raleigh #2 had talked about singing.  We are all the same in Christ just speak a different language.  This was a beautiful day in God's house.
"Ascribe to the Lord, the glory due His name. Bring an offering and come before Him; worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness and in holy array."
1 Chronicles 16:9

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