Friday, June 1, 2018

Betty Lynn and Brooks

When Betty Lynn's team got cancelled she still wanted to come.  She contacted me asking if she could still come and bring a friend.  I said of course.  I told her we turned this week into a special project, building bathrooms for the police check point.  I told her we were hiring our staff to do the work along beside Mike and Pastor Carlos.  Then Mike needed a sewer man which he called his friend Rodd.  Betty Lynn said there is a young man who has always wanted to go on an international mission trip and who is studying criminal justice in school.  I said perfect bring him along.  God blessed us with this humble, quiet, gentle giant named Brooks.  He was so awesome on the project and off of the project.  Actually he was a huge blessing to all the older men on this team. Rodd told him everyday "I thank God for you."  Brooks continue in the direction you're going and God will truly bless you one day.  You were a breath of fresh air this week.  We have actually had some amazing young people come down here this year.  The young people are our future, you know.  We are grateful for godly young people who come here and serve beside us.  Betty Lynn you worked so hard and never walked away from a challenge.  Rodd shared one night not to boast about Betty Lynn but to share how she gave it her all for the Lord and there was not a task too big for you to try.  Betty Lynn was having some small health issues and did not let this stop her.  She told Satan to get behind her because she was going to Honduras.  God truly put this mini team together and God always does an amazing job if we only allow HIM to do HIS WORK.  All God's people said, "AMEN".

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