We ended our week in worship with Gloria's church family. We started with Ginger reading from Psalm 100. We opened in prayer with Oscar and he led us in a song called "How Wonderful Is That Morning". Afterwards Oscar welcomed us to the church and all others who were there for worship.
We proceeded with testimonies. Shawn got up to share how he always did what was right because he had Christian parents who raised him to do so. Shawn shared he thought this was enough. I am good so I am going to heaven. Shawn said , "But I did not know the Lord." My good friend invited me to his church one Sunday. I heard the WORD for the very first time. I heard the WORD! The pastor said if I were to die today would I go to heaven. Good people do not go to heaven!!!! I thought oh my I am good but good is not what God wants from me. I wanted to be with my family and friends in heaven one day and in order to be able to be with them I needed Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. I did not need to rely on my parents salvation for my own salvation. This is a personal choice I had to make and I made it that day at my friend's church. Also deeds do not matter, only Jesus Christ and deeds will follows. I did not appreciate how much Jesus loved me until I became a father myself. I love them dearly! But guess what God loves them even more than I can imagine. God sent his only Son to die for me and for you. Do you know Jesus personally today?
Our next testimony came from Holly, a first timer to Honduras but became a part of this beautiful country very quickly. God told Holly at an early age she would be taking care of her mother. We always have to listen to what God says to us even as children we need to hear his voice when he speaks to us. As children we should also listen and obey our parents so we will be equipped one day to do what God calls us to do. Her nana passed away last year and she was grateful she was obedient to God and got the joy to care for her Nana. As I listened to Holly's testimony I realized this very act of obedience and kindness happens here in Honduras. They take care of their families. They care for their needs. They take their loved ones in and care for them as best they know how. Thank you Holly for being obedient and loving your Nana in such a special way.
Marleee then led in some music for the children before Pastor John came forward with his message.
Pastor John said, "I have a question, how many of you know who God is? If you don't know him you cannot describe HIM. A lot of us have misconception about who God is. We think He is a grumpy old man who tells us what to do all the time. Some think He is like a police officer who gives out the law and orders. Some of us thinks He is Santa Claus. These are not God at all. God is all knowing. God is all faithful, God is just, God is kind. God is loving.
So now lets talk about the goodness of God. If there is no good there is no God. There is no right or wrong. If God is so good why is there bad. Because we as believers have choices. Let's look at God's goodness. "I know the plans I have for you says the Lord." Jeremiah 29:30 Do you know the plans God has for your lives?
Joseph in the Old Testament was mistreated by his older brothers. He ended up in Egypt far away from his family. But God smiled upon Joseph and made him leader over many things.. He was second in charge. Joseph was then able to save His family. What his brothers intended for evil God changed for the good. This came out of Genesis 50
Everything God does in my life He does for my good. God gives what I need and not what I want or even what I deserve. King David committed adultery and then he murdered to cover up his sin. King David asked God for mercy and God granted him mercy.
God invites us to live for Him.
Until you know your life it will be pointless.
God is for me not against me.
Our world needs a revival.
Our world needs God.
Things happen when God starts praying together.
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