We picked up our team and took them to the house in Tegus to have a deli lunch. We found this was more relaxing for the teams than going to eat fast food. It gives them a chance to catch their breathe before heading for Choluteca. Team 103 came wide open and ready to get to work. They had a lot of energy and a huge love for Jesus. They got up on Tuesday and off they went to build their first home. Our goal this week was for them to do 1 1/2 houses but God had a different plan. While they worked diligently on the first house who was for an awesome man named Fillipa and his wife Iris and a beautiful little girl. Fillipa was born blind and works in Choluteca assistinh other blind people.They are an awesome little family. Every time Mike and I went out to the job site we could see the joy in Iris' face as each block was put into place. One day I saw her crying and these were tears of joy for her new home. While the team was working Mike, Orifilo and I were working hard on getting our checking acct set up. We were in the bank for five hours but finally got it. Now please realize we speak very little Spanish and Orfilio's English was about the same. This was an act of God that the checking account was open. Yes, PTL we have a checking account. To God be the glory. We are very grateful for Orfilio who took his time to go with us and help us. This definitely was not in his job description. We are very blessed with awesome people helping us at all times. God is providing us with angels everytime we turn around. Mike and I are now on first name basis with the employees at Promaco(hardware store in choluteca) Cynthia is the young lady who we always pay for our supplies. She is precious and puts the amt I owe her on a calculator so I will know how much to pay her. I am learning the language but they speak so quickly I can not for the life of my understand them. We have learned how to ask the gas attendant to fill up the truck with gas. We went to the bank today to pay the water bill and I suppose everyone else was too. We waited in the drive thru for 30 minutes to pay the water bill. We are becoming adapted to our culture and we do love it. We have learned not to get in a hurry unless we are driving.
Back to our First Baptist team: they had awesome devotionals at night which included a God moment for each of us. And just like Team 102 we were included in their devotionals each night. I feel like I am at a continual revival. One of the member's Bob, BABB (be a blessing Bob) got up each morning with his guitar in hand and sang to us to get us up. He is a precious man. Yes now there are four precious men in my life. But you will always be number one Mr. Blount. I really enjoyed Kristen. She and I had a common bond. We both have the gift to work with behavioral children. She also could shed a tear or two as you all know I do. After we got the banking acct, Mike was wanting to lay a block so bad. So he went out to the job site and help the team lay block and get it ready for the roof. We were all broken hearted when we couldn't start the second house because the foundation was not laid out correctly. This house was for a pastor we worked with two years ago and he has been living at his church in the ss classrooms with his wife and four children. He always has a beautiful smile on his face but when he find out the foundation had been done incorrectly his smile faded away. But thru alot of debriefing and the Lord keeping us focus on His work hopefully he will still get his home real soon. But we all learned that God is still in control no matter what plans or goals we set for ourselves. A lesson learned. Thank you God for keeping us focused on you and not our timeline. This also gave Team 103 time to play some futball and hang out with those beautiful children. Thank you for all your prayers and please pray for Team 103 as they go home on Tuesday and Team 104 comes in on Wednesday. We love all of you and we just celebrated on first month in Honduras. To God be the glory, Mike and Ginger Please visit Team 103's blog www.fbchonduras2010.blogspot.com
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Team 102 from Sanford and Greensboro, NC
Hola from Honduras. This is our first team and some pictures of their ministry. This team went door to door in a village in Choluteca evangelizing to the people. There was 65 professions of faith and many rededications. Each afternoon there was VBS with 200 plus children. They did skits, puppet shows and made crafts for the children. To God be the glory. Our devotions each morning and evening were inspirational for Mike and I. They allowed Mike and I to share a devotion as well. The children are beautiful and very loving. Please enjoy our pictures and know that all your prayers are being answered each and everyday in some way. And please continue to pray for the people of Haiti. God bless you all from Honduras, Tu amos, Mike and Ginger

Friday, January 15, 2010
200 Ninos en VBS
Hey Family and friends,
There were over 200 ninos(children) at VBS today. they make the great big fish in the story of Jonah. We had several children accept the Lord today and receive there very own bible. It was a beautiful service. These words do not even do it justice. They were so well behaved. Their was a skit of Jonah and The Big Fish. It was hilarious. The children got so tickled when the whale came busting thru the church and swallowed up Jonah. All this time the story was being translated. I bet tomorrow there will be 300 children. It was unbelievable. Just had to share our excitement today.
God bless,
There were over 200 ninos(children) at VBS today. they make the great big fish in the story of Jonah. We had several children accept the Lord today and receive there very own bible. It was a beautiful service. These words do not even do it justice. They were so well behaved. Their was a skit of Jonah and The Big Fish. It was hilarious. The children got so tickled when the whale came busting thru the church and swallowed up Jonah. All this time the story was being translated. I bet tomorrow there will be 300 children. It was unbelievable. Just had to share our excitement today.
God bless,
Ministry Team 102 "Evangelism"
Hey Family and friends,
God is so good all the time. We worked on Tuesday the 12th getting ready for our first team. Not knowing what to expect we made checklist check them once and checked them twice to make sure we did not forget anything. Had the bibles, food, etc. everything ready to go. This was a team of seven and they came to evangelize for the Lord and that is exactly what they are doing. The first day there were 10 confessions of faith and 5 re dedications. that afternoon I went back to do VBS with the children. Before it was all said and done we had made 105 fish out of soap and washcloths. The children kept coming and kept coming. there was a puppet show and I was one of the puppets. I now have an appreciation for a puppet team. that is alot of hard work especially in 95 degrees. I kept looking around for a girl we (Stephanie) met four years ago and saw two years ago, Suyapa. There she was and she remembered Stephanie and I told her in Spanish yes in Spanish that Stephanie would be here in julio(July) She is about 12 now and a beautiful young lady and yes of course I cried. God is good all the time. I praise Him each day for the blessings He is providing for this ministry. We are here to bless others but we are the ones being blessed. Their love and hunger to be loved is so humbling. They have nothing yet have everything. The pastor of this church's daughter is sick, born with a heart condition. So please pray for them and the help she needs. Yes, we are still so excited to be here and yes the teacher in me kicked in yesterday when one little boy ask for two crayons and he had hid his 2 crayons between his leg. I said no only dos. They are even more smart down here. God bless this village as there is so much poverty but once again they all wore a smile that only God can provide. So we don't have to have anything to find JOY not happiness. Jesus first others and then yourself. But without a relationship with Jesus we do not have the JOY only He can provide. There was two children who wanted one of the volunteers to go to their house and when he got there the baby was sick. Those children wanted our team member to pray for their baby sister. That is when you find JOY. Sometimes we learn from children. God bless each of you and thank you for all your prayers and support. As I always say be a blessing and have a great day in the neighborhood. Because we surely are. We love serving our Lord in Honduras. Adios!!!!! Mike and Ginger
God is so good all the time. We worked on Tuesday the 12th getting ready for our first team. Not knowing what to expect we made checklist check them once and checked them twice to make sure we did not forget anything. Had the bibles, food, etc. everything ready to go. This was a team of seven and they came to evangelize for the Lord and that is exactly what they are doing. The first day there were 10 confessions of faith and 5 re dedications. that afternoon I went back to do VBS with the children. Before it was all said and done we had made 105 fish out of soap and washcloths. The children kept coming and kept coming. there was a puppet show and I was one of the puppets. I now have an appreciation for a puppet team. that is alot of hard work especially in 95 degrees. I kept looking around for a girl we (Stephanie) met four years ago and saw two years ago, Suyapa. There she was and she remembered Stephanie and I told her in Spanish yes in Spanish that Stephanie would be here in julio(July) She is about 12 now and a beautiful young lady and yes of course I cried. God is good all the time. I praise Him each day for the blessings He is providing for this ministry. We are here to bless others but we are the ones being blessed. Their love and hunger to be loved is so humbling. They have nothing yet have everything. The pastor of this church's daughter is sick, born with a heart condition. So please pray for them and the help she needs. Yes, we are still so excited to be here and yes the teacher in me kicked in yesterday when one little boy ask for two crayons and he had hid his 2 crayons between his leg. I said no only dos. They are even more smart down here. God bless this village as there is so much poverty but once again they all wore a smile that only God can provide. So we don't have to have anything to find JOY not happiness. Jesus first others and then yourself. But without a relationship with Jesus we do not have the JOY only He can provide. There was two children who wanted one of the volunteers to go to their house and when he got there the baby was sick. Those children wanted our team member to pray for their baby sister. That is when you find JOY. Sometimes we learn from children. God bless each of you and thank you for all your prayers and support. As I always say be a blessing and have a great day in the neighborhood. Because we surely are. We love serving our Lord in Honduras. Adios!!!!! Mike and Ginger
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Meeting with Pastor Ramon to go over the details for first minstry team they will be performing a evanglism Jan 14 thru Jan. 21 they are from North Side Baptist Church, Greensboro NC. The pastor is very excited, this church was completed by a team that we brought down several years ago. God is good all the time, he placed us with a church that we already know.
We traveled down to Choluteca on Thursday 12/31/09 to give the guard/groundsman at house a break so he could be with is family. He has been there over night since back in the fall due to no teams working done there. He was very happy we came and gave him a break. We spent New Years in Choluteca which was the loudest fireworks we have ever heard, they continued for over an hour at midnight. They were right outside our window in the street. We went to church with Rosa on Sunday before we headed back to Tegucigalpa. Rosa and her daughter are very active in their church, both can sing very well. he service lasted an 1 1/2 hour. The church was ful of kids and adults. The children and youth went to their classrooms and when they can back they recited their bible verse the had learned. At the end of the service the church sang Happy Birthday to me and I had to go up front to get hugs from a lot of well wishers. We are currently back in Tegucigalpa getting things ready for the first team (Jan. 13). Pray for us as we prepare and seek God's direction on the minstry projects forth coming. Pray for the Honduran team members as we grow closer together.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Hola from Honduras. Feliz ano nuevo!!! We arrived safely on Monday and made la casa nuesta casa. Our first home cooked meal was pork chops, rice (arroz) corn and asaparagus. we adventure out on tuesday to find the Price Smart, 20 mins from our casa and it took uno hora (one hour) but by getting lost we found a bojangles. God is good all the time. Our employees are all awesome and excited as we are. Stephanie is making curtains for our living room out of some material we found in the casa. We drove down to chulectuca on 31st of diciembre and Mike did a great job driving thru the mtns. It took 2 and 1/2 hours (hor) to get there. We went to meet and talk with the pastor of our first job which will be an evanglism team. We sat down with Rosa who will cook the dinners for the teams to get her menus. thank God for Stephanie. She has been awesome with the translating, but Allyson said she will be a phone call away if I need her once Stephanie leaves. It is 95 degrees in Choletuca and we are wearing our summer clothes. Sorry you guys:) Keep us in your prayers as we adventure each day with something that will be new to us. We got excited to pay the water bill and did it correctly. We go to a local teller bank and pay it there. Praise the Lord for all things He is doing for us in Honduras. This is a long one sorry next time will be less. God bless you all and adios from the Greene's
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