On June 16 Floyd's Creek Baptist Church arrived in Tegus ready to serve the Lord. Their smiles were as bright as the sun shining down on them. They ate their deli lunch and off we went to Choluteca. On the first day on the job everyone pitched in and moved the blocks to the center of the foundation. We did something very special with the first block. Juan the father of the house, translator, Oscar, Pastor Antonio, Chad, Roger, Greg, the team leader and Candance, our first timer layed hands on the block and Candance prayed a pray over the first block. Juan laid the first block and everyone clapped and praised the Lord. The team was up and running. We have a new construction leader, Pastor Guerillmo, Pastor "G" for short. He and Team 116 worked hard side by side all week on building this family a home. There are eight children in this family, and the mother Ana died two years ago of diabetes and a stroke. So this was an emotional week for all involved. The eight children and Juan, the father worked very hard beside Floyd's Creek to make their home a reality. The girls hauled in buckets of water on their heads to the job site for mixing the mortar for the blocks. That sight in itself was amazing. They brought the water from a few houses down out of someone elses well. This whole community came together to help their neighbors get a home. Each day courses were laid and the sun seem to get hotter but nothing stop the process from its completion. As the week went by Floyd's Creek build many relationships in this community of El Carrizo. They became to know them by name and the language barrier became less and less a problem for the Hondurans and the Americans. God is good all the time. That saying seemed to be repeated quiet often during the week. The day of the dedication was absolutely beautiful. Floyd' Creek presented the family with the key to their new home and a family bible. The children of the family started crying as they now have a new home they can call their own. An hour after the dedication there came a huge electrical storm and the children were standing inside their home looking out at the rain. This is the first time in their entire life they did not have to worry about getting wet or not going to sleep because of a rainstorm. Thank you Floyd's Creek Baptist for obeying God's calling to come to Honduras and serve the Lord and the people of Honduras.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
VBS/Worship Service

Most Important Mission for Team 116

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Team 114 Home Completion/Dedication
Praise the Lord from who all blessings flow. This was our first home completion and dedication without the team. We missed you so much New H0pe Baptist Church. The men of the village came forward on Saturday after the sun finally decided to come back out and helped Mike and Pastor Guerillo finish the Ponce home. As you can see in the pictures even the children of the family were helping mix the mortar. Two of the men in the group picture are our new brothers in Christ, thanks to God who led a group down in January to evangelize in Colonia Vicotor Argenal. The home dedication was an unique one. New Hope Baptist Church was conferenced in on our cell phone and Carlos our translator help throughout the service. Pastor Ricardo read scriputure from the book of Galations and each member was able to share blessings to the family and everytime one shared the family and friends of Honduras would clap and shout AMEN. Modern technology is awesome. After Pastor Ramon shared a few words, Pastor Ricardo closed in prayer as each of us laid our hands on the home. Thank you New Hope for being a part of the dedication and for your earnest effort of never giving up on the job God called you to do in Colonia Victor Argenal. To God be the glory for all things. Now the Ponce family has a new home and God can looked down and say Well done good and faithful servants.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Team 114 - New Hope Baptist Church, Raleigh, N.C.
We would like to welcome our church family, New Hope Baptist Church of Raleigh to Honduras. They arrived right on time and of course it was an emotional time for Mike and I. We got a little taste of home this past week. We took them to the mission house in Tegus to have their deli luncheon. Allowed a little r and r and off to Choluteca. We stopped at a Christian school to get an ice cream and a bathroom break along the way. But New Hope brought one thing with them that never left them: RAIN. On Thursday morning we got up and it was pouring down rain. About 11 it had slacked off some so off we went. We always started it day in a circle of prayer before we left for the job site. Got to the village of Colonia Victor Argenal and it was muddy, muddy and muddy. The foundation was under water. So they got started the best they could by starting on the corners. Pastor Guerillo, our newly hired construction leader started poking a hole in the foundation to release the water from the foundation. Once Arnold saw what he was doing he pitched in and helped. Then the team made an executive decision to go buy a blue tarp to cover the foundation. The ladies went down to the church and started on building relationships with some of the sweetest children God has created. The construction team got two courses up the first day in the rain and never once thought they could not get it done. The tarp was a huge help for the construction of the house. Now this was not your normal job site. The dirt road and the surroundings of the house was nothing but slush. But New Hope kept right on working and perservered continously in the rain. On Saturday morning another executive decision was made to go purchase rain boots and then the fun started. They did not have to tip toe around the slush they just walked right through it and did what needed to be done. By Saturday afternoon when we left the job sight they had all courses up but the last one and the roof. New Hope did all they could do in two and half days. Thank you so much for not letting the rain deter God's plans for you this week building a home for the Ponce Family. When they left on Sunday after church we told them we would see them manana(tomorrow). Obviously that did not happen and New Hope did not get to finish the home they came to build. So the dedication will be continued once the roof and floor gets done. Somehow we are going to have New Hope via conference call with the family at a later date. Thank you New Hope for not letting a tropical storm wet your spirits. You were true troopers and I know God is looking down saying good job, good and faithful servants.
Children of Colonia Victor Argenal
While the house was being built Kira, Nancy and Amanda were meeting the children. These children truly have fun being children without the luxury of toys, computers and videos. They are happy with what they have. Please enjoy the beautiful children of Honduras. One young man named Junior could out whistle any of them. Across from the job site was a water hole where the children would go and splash around, play, giggle and laugh. It was amazing how they could entertain themselves but also enjoyed playing with our American ladies.
Team 114 VBS

"Rojo Alert" Evacuation of Choluteca

Worship on Sunday
We load up the van and off to church. Of course the rain went with us. We arrived and one by one unloaded in their Sunday best and their rain boots. We were blessed by three testimonies, Jon, Barbara and Jerry. Pastor Ricardo brought the message on enthusiasm. The New Hope Baptist Church choir of Honduras sang a lovely song and did it in Spanish. They had been practicing each night after our share time to be able to do this. They did an awesome job. they also taught the children during VBS how to sing Joy Joy Joy in English. The children did a beautiful job and were so proud of themselves. The young man at the top middle is your new brother in Christ, Carlos. After the service, New Hope was able to socialize with the church family for about 45 minutes because of course it was raining. One thing I noticed at church on Sunday was 13 men sitting in worship. Back in January there was an evangelism team here and there were only 5 0r 6 men in church. One of the workers this week accepted the Lord during that week of evangelism and worked everyday with New Hope on the house. To God be the glory for the seeds each team plant and how God is working in the lives of the Hondurans. Even though it was raining God's light was shining in church that day.
Pupusas al Natural

Pastors Serving the Lord

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