On August 2 Team 119 arrived in Tegus ready to serve the Lord in Choluteca. They had a bag lunch on the road and we stopped at the Christian School on the way for ice cream and to stretch our legs for a while. Then off to Choluteca to get ready for Evangelism and a week of VBS. They got up the next morning and we all gathered outside between the mission house and the bunk house to pray for the events of the day. We started each day in prayer to let God lead and guide the team as they went out to El Carrizo to share the name of Jesus with these beautiful people. After lunch each day they did VBS which consisted of several new songs which were in Spanish that the team taught the children. During service one night the children sang the songs they had learned. During the week of VBS nine children accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Three of the children were from the family in the prior blog of the father with the eight children. To God be the glory for our new brothers and sisters in Christ. The team also reached out to the young people of the church with their music on several mornings before they went out to evangelize. Jose our bus driver was able to go out and evangilize with the team and share his tracks which he provided for the team to use. They broke up into two groups and went out door to door. Night services were held during the week as well. Thank you for sharing Jesus with the people of El Carrizo.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Team 119 Sunday worship
On Sunday morning we found out there was some hidden talents on team. One lady knew sign lanugage and two of the young men played musical instruments. They shared some of there songs again in worship. One of the team members got up to share a testimony about his walk with the Lord. We had a great time in worship with the people of Honduras. We sang with the church members some of their favorite hymns as well. We may be worshipping in a different language but we are all one in the Spirit. Worship services in Choluteca are always a blessing. To God be the glory.
HL and Orfilio celebrate the same birthday
After conversation we discovered the team leader and our groundsman had the same birthday. So we got a birthday cake at a nearby bakery and celebrated Honduran style. We had the honors of cracking a raw egg and sprinkling flour over their heads and singing "Happy Birthday" in spanish to the two birthday boys.
Smiles of Honduras
On a final note we always like to share the beautiful children of Honduras with you. Any of these faces could brighten anyones day. These children enjoy Americans coming to share VBS and other fun American activities. No matter where we go there are always God's gifts (children) around to see what the Americans are up to this time. They look forward to our visits to their villages. Thank you for always bringing joy and smiles to the children of Honduras. Thank you Team 119 for making this happen one more time. God is good all the time.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Team 118 Jacksonville Construction
On July 21, 2010 Jacksonville arrived with a team of 8 women and 3 men. There was some team members who had never been to Honduras. We always get excited to have new people come and see their excitement and wonder of this beautiful country. There were several who had been coming for years. So we had an awesome combination of people excited to build Cecilo and Victoria their new home. They arrived on the job site the next morning and got started as a team and never stopped working as a team. After the first day they had five courses up and did VBS as well. There was a different twist to this group and the village of El Carrizo. There was at least 20 to 30 men and women there to help them build this home. The women of the village would bring the water to mix the mortrar and the men would mix it as quickly as they could to keep up with Jacksonville. By the fourth day the house was complete. As they were laying the floor a storm was brewing. Once the floor was near completion we suggested to do the dedication because the storm was getting closer. As Rhonda was sharing scripture and her thoughts on the week small drops of rain starting coming down. The key to the house was turned over to the family and Pastor Antonio closed with prayer. Everyone loaded up waved good byes and the bottom fell out. God is good all the time. Thank you Jacksonville for providing another family of Choluteca a home where now they will be dry when it rains.
Jacksonville VBS
While building the house they took time under a tree to do VBS with the children of El Carrizo. There was bible stories, crafts futbol and even a puppet show. They got very creative with their puppet show. As you can see in the picture they held up the construction of the house long enough to use one of the wall as their backdrop/sheet for their puppet show. The children's face was undescribable as they listenend and watched the puppets. Some of the adults got in on this one as well. There favorite was playing futbol with the team members. Rumors had it the Honduran children really gave the team members a run for their money. But also their was some hidden talents on the Jacksonville team as well. We always like to add pictures of the children in our blogs. They are all so sweet and beautiful. Also on Sunday there was a birthday from one of the team members and the people of El Carrizo got word of it and as Megan walked into church on Sunday the entire church stood up and sang Happy Birthday to her in spanish and had Happy Birthday Mega on the board at the front of the church. At the end of church one little girl, Maria, came up and said it was her birthday to. So the entire church sang to her as well and then her and Megan had their picture made together. Another great day in Choluteca.
Sunday worship and an afternoon at the beach
We got up on Sunday and went to church. As we are riding down the twenty minute dirt road the team practiced their song they would be singing in church. As I shared in the previous blog Megan was sang to and then worship started. The church sang several of their hymns and then Jacksonville was ask to sing. After they sang they shared testimonies of their lives and what serving the Lord in Honduras met to them. There was several of the Hondurans who shared their testimony as well. Victoria, the lady of the house shared her apprecation for Baptist Men being in Honduras and helping her people have homes to live in. Also their was a lady who accepted the Lord during the service. At the end of the service there was two baby dedications. After a morning of worship, we headed to the beach for a day of relaxation. We took sandwichs for a picnic but decided to order fish plates. They sat up a table with a table cloth and made it very special for us. It was a beautiful day at the beach and a beautiful time with First Baptist Church Jacksonville. Thank you for all you did for the village of El Carrizo. To God be the glory.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Deep Impact at Camp Betel in Tegus
On July 11, 2010 we headed to the airport to pick up the twelve team leaders for Deep Impact. They arrived and went to the house for their deli luncheon and to catch their breathe before we headed out to Camp Betel. We arrived to find the Hondurans had the foundation and some of the blocks alreay in place for the Feeding Center for the children of a nearby village. The team members were so excited and ready for the rest of their crew to get there. They starting preparing for the arrival of the 66 young people and chaperones for the week. At Camp Betel there was the construction of the Feeding Center and VBS for the children. In the morning the ladies of the nearby village came over to learn how to cross-stitch book marks. There was about twenty plus men and one young lady who translated for the Americans and Hondurans. She also taught Tater Sack, aka Mike Sowers how to lay block. There was also a salvation on the last day of the construction job. To God be the glory

Deep Impact at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Tegus
Another location of Deep Impact was at Emmanuel Baptist Church, Pastor Oscar. There was VBS held at the church in morning with activities of music, parachute ball, and arts and crafts. Down the street there was evangelism/basketball being played by some of the youth and their leaders with the Honduran boys and girls from a nearby school. We stopped by one day and the plan of salvation was being shared with two young men on the basketball courts. To God be the glory. In the afternoon the young people would go door to door with hygiene kits and ready to share Jesus Christ with the families they visited. There was one area they went to next to the church where there was at least fifty steps going straight down to get to a village of beautiful Honduran people. They were given the hygiene kits and explained how to use them and how to have Jesus Christ as their personnal savior. Thank you young people for sharing Jesus with the people of Honduras.
Deep Impact at El Tablon
There was a third location the young people went to and that was El Tablon Pastor Benjamin. They did VBS and a medical clinic for the children and people of this village. This particular church has a special place in the hearts of the Mike Sower, Mike Greene and Larry Doyle families. Nine years ago all three families were on top of that mountain building the church which we worshipped in on Sunday morning. When we arrived the first day with the group, Pastor Benjamin had photos of all the families working on the church. It was a very special day at El Tablon. It was like a faimily reunion. Brothers and sisters in Christ coming back together to carry on the Kingdom work at El Tablon. On Sunday we were able to worship with Pastor Benjamin and there was several testimonies from the team members. Mike was able to preach an awesome sermon translated by Larry Doyle. Thank you Deep Impact for coming and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with the beautiful people of Honudras. They were truly blessed and we hope you took a bit of Honduras home with you as well. See you next year. God bless!!
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