On September 16, 2010 Poplar Springs Baptist Church out of Bunn, North Carolina arrived ready to serve their Lord and Savior by building a home and also sharing the gospel through evangelism. Each day before the team headed out to the job they formed a circle between the house and the bunkhouse to say a prayer. They arrived the first day ready to get to work. This team got right to work along side Pastor Ancelmo, Carlos, the owner of the house, Carlos' father-in-law and several neighbors and friends. The team gathered around the first block for the prayer which was done by Pastor Steve of Poplar Springs. Pastor G, construction team leader, gave the team a quick lesson in laying block and they were on there way to building Carlos, Mileydis and there two boys, Fabricio and Daniel a home. While the block was being laid there was a group of five who went out with a couple of the ladies from the church, Inglesia Bautista LaLibertad, laying the foundation of Jesus Christ. Poplar Springs brought along an evangelism team who was on fire for Jesus Christ. Relationships were being formed throughout the week with the construction team as well as the evangelism team. There was one thing this team learned this week, "NO PROBLEM". Pastor G's favorite phrase with the team on the construction was "NO PROBLEM". So that became the phrase of the week for Poplar Springs. . It was beautiful to see how this team worked as a team and got this family a beautiful home. During the week we found out there was a young lady there who came to the home of Carlos' mother-in-law the same day the team arrived on the job. Oh how overwhelming that most have been for her. But after a couple of days when she found out the team was there to build a home she was more receptive of the Americans. Also the grandmother is raising three of her grandchildren. So this is a very giving and caring family who Carlos and Mileydis are apart of. At some point during the week the evangelism team shared some bible stories and crafts under a tree away from the construction site with the young lady, Fabricio, Daniel and some other children. The team did an awesome job with the construction of the home and evangelizing. To God be the glory for all the beauty which took place during this week with the Hondurans and Poplar Springs.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
A Day In Honduras
As the week progressed there was so many different activities taking place around the construction of the home. The family of Mileydis lived on the property the home was being built on. There was always someone doing something. There was always a child close by to play with or share a bible story. The ladies of the house were busy with the daily chores. The construction team was busy at work and Mileydis was busy helping with the household chores as she stood by watching her home being built. The young lady in the bottom was at work as well. She was brought in by the grandmother from another town. The Honduran families worked side by side each day to complete the tasks. Poplar Springs worked each day as a family to get their job done for another beautiful family in Choluteca.
Home Dedication
The dedication of the home is a time to reflect on what took place during the week. The building of Christian relationships was a huge part of this team's experience. The team leader, Shawn shared his gratitude for all who were involved in the building of the home and we were blessed this week to have three pastors on the job site. There were tears of joy as the team, family and volunteers shared in a prayer for the home. The Carlos Ayala family now has a new home which has been dedicated to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Words truly cannot express the beauty of a dedication in the homes which are built in Honduras. Praise and honor goes to our Lord and Savior for Poplar Springs and the Honduran people for a job well done.
Worship Time

Team 122 FBC Southern Pines Home Construction
On September 7, 2010 First Baptist Church of Southern Pines arrived and ready to build their first home in Honudras. Their enthusiasm was contagious and it extended throughout their week. Their first morning on the job site was somewhat of a challenge because the blocks were quiet a distance from the foundation. But that did not stop them from perservering. They setup an assembly line from the blocks to the foundation and off they went. It took them a while to get this done but in no time the block were laying in the middle of the foundation ready to be laid and formed into a beautiful home for Maria and her family. While they were bringing the block into the foundation Pastor G our construction team leader did the four cornerstones. Before the team started the laying the block they prayed over the first block with the family and the pastor of the church. Pastor G, the construction team leader then showed the team how to lay block the Honduran way. The team caught on very quickly. They laid five courses on their first day. They were right on schedule even when the opportunity with the blocks. As the week progressed the blocks were becoming a beautiful home. Everyone found a job to do and they stuck with it. As the blocks got higher some of the team found other things to do like "Adopt a Path" and visited a nearby school. They always stayed busy doing something to glorify God. As the job came to an end the family got out there and help build a small walkway into the front door of the house. The pregnant lady is Maria's best friend who lives with her and as you continue to read the blog you will see her beautiful gift from God, a little girl. Maria went inside to look at her new home and was so pleased to be able to have it. Her mother put in a soliciation two years ago for this house and died a year ago. So Maria felt like her mother would be very proud and happy of her beautiful new home. To God be the glory.
Team 122 Home Dedication
The day had come for the home dedication. Pastor David and the team put alot of thought and time into their dedication. The ladies sang a song about your home being the Lord's home and even though it was in English the Hondurans were moved by the beauty of the song. God is good all the time even with a language barrier. They presented the family with a key to their new home and a family bible. The dedication took place on Saturday and at the worship service on Sunday Maria's husband Rafel accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior along with one of the helpers from the job site. Yes we are here to build a home but we are also here to bring the lost to Jesus Christ. We now have two new brothers in Christ. To God be the glory.
National day of children celebration in Honduras
On September 15 of each year the country of Honduras recognize the children with a day of celebration. Pastor Juan and church were planning a celebration on Sunday. Pastor Juan ask the team if they would like to participate. So the team brought a cake and lemonade for the children during their Sunday School hour. Before the children left to go to Sunday School the church sang praises to the Lord. We warned the team they better have a chair to seat in for the worship service because if they didn't they may be standing. When the children got dismissed to go to Sunday School they took the chairs with them. So as you can see off go the chairs for the Sunday School hour. Pastor David shared a sermon while the ladies were in the back of the church cutting cake and delivering the pieces to the children. The SS teachers helped give out the cake and lemonade. They were blessed with about 80 children in SS that day. There was enough for everyone to have cake and lemonade. The children of Honduras are such blessings and to be apart of this celebration was absolutely beautiful. Thank you God for the children of Honduras.
Maria and family move in
Mike and I had a chance to go back to see Maria and family one day last week. As you can see she has moved in and there is an addition to the family. The little girl was three days old in the picture. To see the beauty of creation laying there, a gift from God, was simply breathe taking. Maria is a good friend to allow this mother and baby to be a part of her family. I know Maria's mother would be so proud of her. There is a picture of Maria and her mother hanging on the wall of the home. Maria had planted some banana trees in the back yard and put some potted flowers outside of the front door. A lady in the village built her a stove made out of the remaining blocks from the home. What a good neighbor she has been blessed with. Also to the right side of the house they have a make shift bathroom. They are saving their money to be able to get plumbing and electricity one day. Maria was so very proud of her new home and it was evident by the way she had put everything in its place. Six people will call this house a home. Thank you to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and First Baptist for making this happen.
Coconut Classic - NC vs. Honduras
On the day before the team left they had the priviledge of meeting our landlord and his family. Well long story short Pastor David is a die hard tennis player and so is our landlord's son. So they decided to have a tournament. What an awesome way to build relationships with the Hondurans except Pastor David beat Fernando, landlord's son. At the end of the tournament there was a trophy presented to the winner. We all had a great time at the first annual Coconut Classic.
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