Orfilio Garcia is one of six employees working for North Carolina Baptist Men. He has been employed with the mission for fifteen plus years. Mike and I have know him ten of the fifteen years. He has a beautiful godly wife, Naomi and two beautiful daughters, Elizabeth and Lizzy and of course his dog Belle. And he loves parkeets. No he does not love them he is obsessed with them. One day we were accessing a job which is one of his job duties, is to assist us with this, he saw a parkeet way I mean way up in a tree and we totally lost him. I said world to Orfilio we are assessing a job here. That was one funny moment. His hobby is working in his yard and planting flowers. He has a very beautiful yard and home. His job duties consist of watching and protecting the property of the mission house when there is not a team on site. He sacrifices his time from his family to as he says:"Serve my God. No problem." He loves working for his God which is of course our God too. He takes his responsiblities of the mission very serious. Once last year we had several days of rain while there was a team building a home. This particular Sunday afternoon we were sitting around playing games when someone came into the gate on a bicycle in the pouring down rain. This person was Orfilio. He said we needed to evacuate immediately because the river was swelling behind us. As we were leaving Orfilio was setting up a ladder so in case he had to get up on the roof he could. He would not leave the mission house to after the rain subsided. He is very dedicated to his job and to his God. Are we that dedicated to our job and our God? He does many behind the scene activities which is a vital part of the ministry. The bags of ice and water jugs are always there available the day a team arrives. Thank you Orfilio for always providing us with plenty of ice and water. When Mike and I have to go to the market we do not go without our body guard, Orfilio. He is very protective of us and watches our surroundings at all times. He enjoys life to the fullest. He always has a smile on his face that radiates whoever he is with. He is a very devout Christian and loves serving the Lord in whatever capacity we need him to. In the last eight months Orfilio has started working on the construction teams helping with the building of the homes. He has enjoyed getting dirty and helping someone get a home. Words could never express how much Orfilio means to North Carolina Baptist Men. He definitely goes beyond the call of duty. Another famous quote Orfilio and I share "God is good all the time".