On Monday, May 21st, Mike and I adventured out to the Valle of the Angeles for lunch and to relax at the coffee shop. We arrived around ten in the morning and parked in front of The Coffee Shop. Gene and the girls were just opening up the shops. Mike asked Gene would he mind taking us up to the mountains to see his coffee plants. Gene planted coffee beans six months ago as a way of making some coffee which is in grown in the Valle. So off we went up into the mountains of the Valle of the Angeles. We went high up into the mountains and the temperature was cool and crisp. Gene shared the higher the elevation the better the coffee. He had six acres of coffee plants. He had banana trees planted and another ground cover plant to provide shade for the bean plants. Mike and I learned so much about growing coffee plants on Monday morning. After leaving his crop of coffee beans we went to another location which is actually up about a mile behind where The Coffee Shop is located. Gene has a shop up there where all his mahogany items are carefully crafted into beautiful works of art. In the picture above Edwin spends his day sanding the boxes getting them ready to be stained. The three men who do the craving of the boxes were working in Tegus this particular day. They carve them out and Edwin sands them. Gene has the mahogany and the cedar wood behind the building to dry out in preparation for carving. So those of you who have bought any maghony wood items from Gene there is alot of tender loving care which goes into them. There is a building up on top of the hill behind the shops where a dear sweet baptist pastor lives and he makes more detailed items out of maghony for Gene. He spends his day carving and sanding the maghony while listening to his Christian music. Gene found this artist in Choluteca. It is a small world even in Honduras. Gene asked where he could find a good carpenter and this is how he found this humble man. He is the one who makes the chess sets Gene sells in his shops. Gene has many talented men and women working for him. It makes his shops more personable for Mike and I now. To make my day complete Gene had a vegetable garden at the location where Edwin was working. He had spinach plants. It is hard to find good spinach here. Gene asked me would I like some of his vegetables. I said just give me the spinach and my day will be complete. Thank you Gene for such an amazing day in the Valle of the Angeles. This entire day was a God moment for me.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Feliz Dia de Madre
On May 13, Mother's Day, Mike and I were invited to Pastor Amado's church in Colonia Unidas, Choluteca. Orfilio and his wife, Naomi were invited as well. We picked up Orfilio and his wife and off we went to what we thought was going to be a worship service. Mike and I did not know the tradition in churches of Honduras is to celebrate mothers on Sunday evening. We arrived at the church greeted by a 11 year old young man named Christian. He gave me a great big hug and wished me Feliz Dia de Madre. I thanked him and headed to the front door of the church. Greeted by Pastor Amando and his lovely wife, Anna they welcomed us to the evening service. We walked in the door to a sanctuary decorated with balloons, linen table cloths on all the tables, centerpieces on each table and all the ladies of the church were dressed up with their make-up and some were wearing their hair down instead of in a bun. It literally took my breathe away. It was absolutely beautifully and so tastefully decorated. The men of the church decorated the church and also cooked a scrumptious meal of fried chicken, french fries and on a bed of lettuce several different fruits cut up in small cubes. They also had a big cake which said Feliz Dia de Madre. Anna, the pastor's wife, had prepared for me grilled chicken and baked potato with the bed of fruit because she is aware of my problems with high cholesterol. Anna made sure I received a healthy meal. I am blessed to have Anna as a friend and sister in Christ. The men of the church had entertainment prepared for the ladies. So we all set back and enjoyed our special evening. The children of the church sang a song in honor of their mothers, thanking them for always being there for them. Saul sang a song about mothers as well. Then there was about five of them who got up there and did a mock presentation of a song about mothers. We all laughed till we cried. It was hilarious!!!! They made a fake accordion which Nelson pretended to play and he also had a yellow bugle which he pretended to play. My friend Christian came over to me and got down on one knee and sang to me.This young man of 11 years is very talented and loves His Lord so much. So during the entertainment the men of the church and Mike and Orfilio served each lady their meal. They continuously were refreshing our cup of coke. There was an amazing and talented mariachi band who came to each table and sang to the ladies. It was one of the most beautiful moments I have ever experienced.
The women of Honduras work so hard for their families. They wash their clothes on a pilla or go to the river. They kill the chickens clean them and cook them. Before they can cook a meal each day they or one of their children collect the firewood for the stove. Some of them have to go to the river or a nearby well to collect water for their day. Most of these ladies are raising their children without a husband. So they have to somehow work to raise the money to feed their families. They are an amazing group of ladies. I am glad I could be a part of this special occasion.This day was their day and it was a memory they will cherish for a long time.
Proverbs 31: 10-31
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Beulah Hill and Potomac Heights Baptist Churches Evanglise in Honduras
On April 30 we had two churches come together as one to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in a community called Le Gero Blanco. The team arrived and we headed down to the mission house in Choluteca. After an evening of chicken tacos prepared by Jose's wife we had our devotional and a sing along led by Johnny. Pastor Brian shared out of Romans 3:21-25. We are all unworthy of God's grace but by grace we have been saved. He illustrated the salavation story on the gigantic evanga cube. He said the only reason we are here this week is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to a community who does not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pastor Pedro, from Gethesamane Baptist Church has planted another church about fifteen minutes down the road. This is where the team will be this week. They will be going door to door seeking to share with the lost about Jesus. As we start this week we pray for others to come to know our Lord and Savior Jesus as their personal Savior and start a new life living for Him and Him only.
"For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23
A Tragedy Occurs
We arrived on the 30th with Rosa sharing we need to call the hospital administrator. So Mike decided to go on over to the hospital with the translators while the team was settling into for the week ahead. When Mike and the translators arrived at the hospital he found Pastor Pedro and a family from his church. Two members of his church Freddy (Hollywood) and Ronny had been in a tragic motorcycle accident the day before. The tragedy of this story is the doctors and nurses at the hospital are on strike and not working. There was no one there to take care of Rony. Freddy had been taken to the hospital in Tegus. Mike immediately asked if there was somewhere else they could take Ronny to get him immediate attention. It looked as if his brain was swelling. Neither gentlemen were wearing a helmet. Ronny had been twenty four hours with out any medical care. There was a medical clinic opened with a doctor. They took Ronny over to the clinic to get him some relief.
On May 1, Tuesday we arrive at the church and saw no one. The members of the church were inside praying for Freddy and Ronny and preparing a campaign to go door to door collecting monies to help pay for their medical bills. The teenagers of the church were the ones preparing to go out door to door for their friends, Freddy and Ronny. Mike gathered the teenagers in the middle of the group with the money jar in the center and we laid hands on them and prayed for them as theywent out and collect the money needed to help their friends. What a beautiful time during a tragic time, a church family and communtity coming together for their brothers in Christ.
Mike never got to talk to the administrator until later in the evening. Our first concern was to find help for Ronny. I pray Ronny will heal and return to his old self soon. Freddy is improving slowly. God is good all the time.
"Those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles;
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint."
Isaiah 40:31
Going Door to Door
The evangelism team went out daily door to door sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. The team had many God moments each evening. One day while out sharing, Pastor Brian came across a diesel mechanic who was taking a siesta. Pastor Brian shared the gospel with this young man while he never once got out of his hammock. There was a young boy around 15 there hanging out who spoke perfect English and his father was a pastor in another town. The young boy told Pastor Brian he knew Jesus as his Lord and Savior but the man in the hammock never made a profession of faith. Johnny and Maidi was at the back of a home while in the front Pastor Brian and Heidi were sharing the gospel. The entire family came to Christ that day. Neither group knew the other was at the same house until it was done. Mary tried to help make tortillas one day while her husband Brian was sharing the gospel with one of the ladies of the home. She was preparing tortillas and Mary did not want her baking process to get behind. Mary did her very best not to burn or loose any of the tortillas. Good job Mary!!! One morning as the lunch time was drawing near, Egla and John got under a tree with the Hondurans and shared on how to use the evang cube and how to share going door to door. The Hondurans eagerly listened and learn how they could use this tool to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pastor Brian was heading back to the location for lunch and passed a guy on a bike and handed him a track. Every opportunity which came their way the team was hard at work in the blazing heat sharing the gospel. Egla did someones laundry one day so John could talk to the lady about Jesus. Pastor Pedro's brother, Martin wanted Pastor Brian to share the plan of salvation with his two sons. One accepted Christ and one did not. Johnny asked the one who did not, "What's going to happen one day when your entire family goes to heaven and you end up in hell?" If you do not verbally confess with your mouth that Jesus is your Lord and Savior and pray the sinner's prayer and receive Jesus in your heart you will never see Eternity. Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven. Please prayerfully consider your relationship with Jesus today. Do you know HIM as your Lord and Savior? Have you received HIM into your heart? These are life and death questions. There is life after death and that is ETERNITY through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who died for you and me on the cross and was resurrected on the third day. Now is sitting on the right hand of God in Heaven.
"Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a handmill; one will be taken and the other left. Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: if the owner of the house had known at what time of the night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and not let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect HIM." Matthew 24: 40-44
Fellowship at Mission Casa
The team enjoyed their time at the mission house chilling, working on laundry or preparing for the next day of door to door. We did have a big surprise for a very special young lady who has worked in this mission house for over thirty years. Rosa had a birthday and she shared it with Jose as well. We got Rosa and Jose a birthday cake with ice cream on top. We had dessert first this evening before we shared in one of Rosa's delicious meals. Pastor Brian and Heidi worked diligently several afternoons for the worship services Pastor Brian was preaching. Thank you Heidi for a job well done. Lots of prayers came through the door of the mission house this week. Preparing for the lost to come to Jesus Christ. During this week was the National Day of Prayer back in the states. We and Potomac Baptist Church for bringing so much love for Jesus to Honduras.
"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."
Psalm 46:10
The first day of VBS there was over 100 children. The translators, Egla, Maidi and Heidi open up the session with Honduran Christian songs for the children. They did the old faithful "El Pollo". As usual the North Americans enjoyed learning the new song. On one day the children who were doing a skit for VBS got their face painted according to their part in the skit. This team did a skit each day after telling the bible story. The children were included in the "dramas" and the excitement each day of who was going to get to be a part of the skit magnified. There was a craft done each day. The children of this area do not have crafts as part of their Sunday School hour. So when the North Americans come down with activities to do there is always a since of gratitude from the church Sunday School teachers and the children. They love to simply color a picture. After VBS was over Sarah and Marshall enjoyed playing futbol with the children. At the end of the week there was 150 children who heard the word through bible stories, dramas, songs and crafts. God is so good all the time.
Serve the Lord with gladness;
Come before HIS presence with singing."
Psalm 100:2
Worship Services
During the evening worship they showed the "Jesus Video". There was standing room only in the church. There was about twenty of us standing outside looking through the front door and windows of the church. Several folks made rededications and professions. Pastor Brian preached on Three Ways to Build a Healthy Church and Johnny did an amazing job singing "How Great Thou Art". Early in the week I shared how the church met the first morning to pray over two young men in a motorcycle wreck, Freddy and Ronny. They went out door to door collecting money for their hospital bills. Well one week after the accident Ronny showed up at church and wanted to share his testimony of how God saved his life that day and how grateful he was to his church family for being there for him. He especially thanked Pastor Pedro for saving his life. With a sermon on building a healthy church after hearing Ronny's testimony. Pastor Brian hared in the second way was to love one another and reach out to your community. This was evident this week as the community reached out to help their brothers, Freddy and Ronny. The first way to a healthy church was to evangelise and share the good news. What a perfect example this week of going out to their neighbors to see if they know Jesus. The third way of a healthy church is to do the work of missions. You do not have to go to another state or country to do missions. Pastor Pedro went down the road about fifteen minutes and started this new church in a town called Las Delicias. You may say why a church fifteen minutes down the road. Well, most of the folks here have to walk to church so when they only have to walk five minutes verses fifteen to twenty minutes it helps to start a church down the road. Also, most of these homes do not have windows or doors. Many of the reasons not excuses mind you they do not go to church they cannot leave their home unattended. One lady shared I may not have much but it is all I have. So to have a church close to her home will help her go to church where before she could not go because of the distance. Thank you Pastor Brian for giving this church body words of encouragement on how they do have a healthy church and we saw proof this week on how hard these folks work for the Lord and His Kingdom. Pastor Pedro hopes to have a pastor in place by January of 2013. Pray for this and the new brothers and sisters in Christ as they disciple them into God's fold.
"Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hand on these two commandments."
Matthew 22:37-40
Training for Evangelising

On the last day of evangelising the team decided to use this morning to have a training sessions for all the church members who helped out this week. Pastor Brian went through the entire story of the bible in thirty minutes, short version, while the Hondurans and North Americans eagerly took notes of the highlights and scripture references. Pastor Brian had a life size evani-cube he used as a visual to teach them how to share the gospel. He shared this is not a tool to become dependent on but to have to help you get your point across. They broke up into their small groups to evaluate the week and I happen to go by Pastor Brian's group when he was sharing yet another way to share the gospel called the Roman Road. Well, Heidi was not understanding the word road and thought he said something else. So I was able to tell her in espanol what the word Pastor Brian was trying to say, road. Thank you to all our translators who go beyond the call of duty. During this session on the Roman Road, Lester, a 14 year old, could not write down the information fast enough. How humbling this moment was to me and all the ones in this group. I pray all young people would be this hungry to learn how to share the plan of salvation with others. We broke up for lunch before VBS. Well Lester continued reading his bible wanting to know exactly how to share the Roman Road with others. He could not get enough of God's word that day.
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled."
Matthew 5:6
Sandifer Family
This was a beautiful week for the Sandifer family. This was the first time their two children, Marshall and Sarah had been on an international mission trip. They were blessed to be with both their parents on this trip to Honduras. Both Marshall and Sarah shared their testimony on how blessed they were raised in a Christian home with such wonderful godly parents. They were out there everyday going door to door with their mother and father sharing the gospel with the community of Las Delicias. They were humbled by the kindness and generosity of the people of Honduras. The families would pull up enough chairs for all of them when they would stop to share the gospel. One day, Mary caught her family taking a siesta in someones home. They all three had a hammock taking a chill together. This is family bonding and memories these two young people will cherish for many years. God blessed them in so many ways this week.
Pastor Brian and Mary exhibited a true servant heart this week. They never ever stopped doing and serving others the entire week. They shared their gifts God had given them with others and set such a godly example of a married couple. Pastor Pedro and his wife, Maria, which is Mary in English enjoyed sharing in fellowship with Pastor Brian and Mary. Their genuineness is beautiful and contagious. Thank you two for being humble servants of Christ.
"But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
Joshua 24:15
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
NCBM Grande Jefes Aqui en Honduras
On April 17th we had a special visit from our bosses, Mark and Richard, Richard's lovely wife, Leslie and a new friend David. They arrived around noon and we headed to Choluteca. We got settled in and then headed to Orfilio's home for dinner. His wife, Naomi had prepared chicken tostatos for us along with a cookie for dessert. Naomi had the table nicely arranged with three tostatos on each plate accept for one plate there was only two. Leslie said she would like this plate with only two. So we all gathered around the table and said our blessing, compliments of Orfilio. We all got very quiet enjoying our delicious Honduran meal. Suddenly Leslie said, "Querro mos por favor". At the end of our meal Leslie enjoyed four of these tostatos. Well Mike would not be out done by Leslie so he as well ate four of them. Naomi was very pleased by everyones appetite. Thank you Orfilio and Naomi for such an amazing evening and your generous hospitality.
The next morning we got up and went to several different locations to give Mark and Richard an idea what a day is like for us here. David got a huge greeting from two of our little friends, Joline and Anna. We took Mark and Richard to one of the churches NCBM built around seven years ago. They were able to meet one of our oldest friends here in Honduras. This young man is 88 years old and loves to have his picture made. On the afternoon of the 18th we headed back to Zamorano. We returned to no electricity. So we headed across the street hoping for a chance to get some supper. We had dinner outside on a picnic table by candlelight. This was a nice way to end our day. We head back to the house to go over our day while still out of electricity. We had a candle burning and a huge lantern we have for occasions such as this. We played a couple of word games. Finally around nine that evening the lights came back on. The next morning we took our guests to the airport and bid them farewell until next time. It was a quick but eventful visit. Thank you David, Leslie, Mark and Richard for taking the time to come visit us in Honduras. God bless each of you and your families.
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