Thursday, March 31, 2016

Home Visits

Pastor Carlos' wife was visiting Mt. Horeb during the week and got a home visit.  Miguel who is fluent in Spanish treated her.  Her blood pressure was fairly high so Bill, Pharmacy along with Ryan came up with a prescription for her for a few days to see if it would go down.  She came back and her blood pressure was normal.  Thank you Ryan for working with Bill on configuring this prescription to meet her needs.

Mrs. Charlotte, Monica, Tyler, Galen, Catherine, Tiffany and Bill made several home visits.  But Dr. Charlotte shared the most rewarding thing about the home visit is the pastor knew his community.  The pastor knew their needs.  He knew where to take the team to help those who needed the most health care.  Dr. Charlotte shared the attitudes of these people who were homebound was humbling.  Their family members care for them relentlessly, without complaint but with pure joy you find only through Jesus Christ.  We learned so much more about people during these home visits.  They were able to make seven home visits and were blessed at each one.
The last home visit was at Mt. Horeb on the North American Dorm porch.  They were kind enough after working all day to come back on their off day to treat the gentleman one lady who works on Mt. Horeb.  One very special story is where Dr. Charlotte was able to talk to our special lady who prepares all our great meals and she was able to lay hands on her life and pray with her about concerns within her family.  Dr. Charlotte's colleagues were humbled by this act and felt the Holy Spirit move during this special time.
Also Mike had a cest on his head which Miguel so graciously removed.  He also had a captive audience during the procedure.  Several of our guys got PT to treat them with their many aches and pains they carry daily due to their work.  I set on the porch of the pulperia and observed the many different activities taking place on the porch of the North American Dorm.  Thank you team for taking it one step further.  You all are truly a blessing from God.
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
Ephesians 4:3

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