Thursday, March 31, 2016

Los LLanitos

This was the first time this community had ever had a medical brigade.  We met the pastor for the first time at the beginning of the year.  We were hoping to build some homes in his community.  But at the time there was not any one with their papers so we offered him a three day medical team.  He was so excited to be able to share this with his church family.  Mike and I pulled up to a very well orchestrated medical clinic.  It was all outside except for the doctors and the pharmacy.  The community was well receiving to their new found friends.  The church family worked hard to get their community ready for their first medical clinic. Peter, David and Rachel managed  triage as well as Rachel helped Meida in the pharmacy.   Everyone was pulling their weight at their three day clinic in Los LLanitos.

There was some Physical Therapy going on with Alexis, Monica and David with the help of Dr. Brian.  Tyler, Jonathan, and Meaghan worked as well with different patients.  Dr. Brian had a room full of eager to learn medical students.  This was such a joy to walk in and experience.  There was so many different activities taking place inside one little Sunday School classroom.

I walked into a situation not so pleasant.  The lady holding the baby who has a heart problem is the grandmother.  The young lady in the yellow dress is the mother of this baby.  Dr. Brian was demonstrating how the heart beat should sound and how it sounds by the clapping of his hands.  Ronny, translator, was concerned for his people as he shared exactly what Dr. Brian was doing while he was clapping his hands together.  Ronny demonstrated compassion just as Dr. Brian as he translated for the patient and her family.  We were truly blessed with our translators this week.

 Orin and Ryan were working the pharmacy  They stayed busy filling the prescriptions for each and every family.  Thank you gentlemen for a job well done.

Miguel spent a lot of his day cleaning out ears for many patients.  Monica and Tyler assisted in these many procedures.  Meaghan assisted Dr. Brian with a patient who had his ear cleaned.
This was all a huge blessing for this community.  They were most appreciated of their healthcare.  The team got to enjoy Christian music being song inside the sanctuary of the church one afternoon.  The set up was precious and we were blessed by being able to work beside this community for the first time and hopefully not the last time. 
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
Ephesians 1:3

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