Saturday, March 18, 2017

Colonia Williams Gets a Visit Too

While El Limonal about three miles away was busy at work so was the other group of medical, PT, POs and Pharmacy students.  Mike and I walked into a sanctuary full of patients waiting to be seen by someone.  We walked up to Kat, Sarah and Jason triaging patients with the help of a translator.  They were  working so very hard with huge smiles on their faces.  They were seeing at least three people at one time.  Sara was using her own Spanish skills to help a lady and her son.  These young people persevered with their new found obstacles, a slight language barrier, the heat and tight working areas.  They all said we are great Mrs. Ginger and kept working away meeting needs of those God placed before them.  They were here to serve their Lord with joyful hearts and was evident the minute we walked through the front door of the church.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters
Colossians 3:23

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