On May 14 arrived our largest team thus far. It was a team of 14, consisting of ten college students and four adults. There were nine new team members but it only took a few hours and they were no longer considered rookies. The whole team came excited and ready to serve the Lord. While riding to Choluteca one of the young ladies ask what village were they working in this year. When we told them Santa Cruz the young lady said we were there last year and we loved that village and the pastor. Well, that was definitely a God thing. God is always an amazing God. Because Brian, the team leader had ask earlier if they could deliver a photo of the team last year to the pastor and found out they were working in the same village. It was like a family reunion. When Pastor Guillermo saw Brian and the team members from last year he shouted "Brother Brian". How beautiful was that and the entire week was just like that moment. One of the young men, Chase, saw the 800 blocks sitting in the middle of the foundation and said we have our work cut out for us. Worked they did. Along with 8 Honduran men this group jumped right in and got started. They all picked a job and went to it. Mike and I have never been more proud of a group of young people like we were these young people. They worked beside each other and learned how to do so much. They learned how to lay block, cut block, put in a door and window, lay a floor and best of all they learned how to build relationships with the people and the children of Honduras which will last a lifetime. Each day the ladies cooked a meal for the Honduran workers while the team ate a sandwich and chips. But they all still had lunch together. Then the guys were challenged to a futbol game by the Honduran workers. Actually the teams were mixed up so I am not sure who won but once again they were building relationships as well as building a house. First Baptist Southern Pines and the men of Santa Cruz built the family of Renan Rodrigues a beautiful home. The dedication service was very emotional for all. They were presented with a family bible and a lock and key for their home. The very special part of this is they had a gift for each team member, translator and Mike and me. If you are reading this from Team 112 they gave us your gifts as well. This was a very giving community. We were all blessed to be a part of this mission group. To God be the glory for all He did in Santa Cruz May 15- 20. It was such a blessing.