As the house got closer to being finished there was less work to be done. So our young people got creative and played with the children of the village. The young man who is getting kisses from Caitlin and Catherine is our dear sweet Arnold. He was there everyday hanging out and teaching us new songs and dances. Oh yes, I said dances. Stephanie found six little girls next door who her and some of the girls bounded with. Of course Chase and James were always entertaining us. Kristen was always borrowing the rope from the truck to go jump rope with some of the children. Melissa found her way to some of the girls and Jeannie was always sharing something she had with someone. Keansley sat one day and made about 75 bracelets to give out to the children. Morgan sat there one day and got her hair done by one of the Honduran ladies. So once again these young people were building relationships with these beautiful people which I hope will stay bedded in their hearts forever. And we must not forget our day at the beach. They got to swim in the Pacific Ocean and ride the waves. They had taken their lunch and ate under a nicely shaded picinic spot. It was a great day at the beach. Please ask James about it.

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