On Thursday, Friday and Sunday morning the team shared an awesome VBS program for the children of Inglesia Bautista de La Gero Blanco. They got to enjoy the story of Peter and Jesus. The children were able to particiapte in a skit about the bible story. They enjoyed sitting in the boat and acting out the story. They sang Honduran and American Christian songs. They colored a picture each day and made crafts. The first day they made necklaces which they wore each day very proudly. The children take alot of pride in what they get to do in VBS and they work so hard to please you. After VBS they went outside to play futbol and dodgeball. On Friday afternoon some of the children left VBS and went to the job site to show off their work. They were so proud of what they had done in VBS. In Honduras Sunday School consist of hearing the bible story out of the bible and learning a memory verse and singing songs. So when the Americans come in with crafts for them to do they are excited and very grateful. There were around 129 children in VBS this week. On Saturday morning the team went out into the village door to door to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and gave out bibles provided by the Gideons. They led numerous people to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. On Saturday night some of these people were in church with us as Pastor Chris led an awesome sermon on SIN. We sang and praise the Lord in Espanol and truly felt the power of the Holy Spirit at work in church that night. On Sunday morning we had the last session of VBS and Reggie presented Pastor Brom a study bible to help him with his ministry. God is good all the time.
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