Sunday, September 18, 2011

It is more than building a home

There is so much more than building a home when teams come down to Honduras. They get to enjoy the culture of the Honduran men and women. Well while the house was going up the ladies were in the background cooking for the Honudran workers. They are busy gathering their sticks for cooking, collecting water from the well, making the mixture for tortillas. There is a famous phrase in our Baptist Men's Manual which we all learn while working for five days with the people. "Americans have the clock and the Hondurans have the time." About mid morning everyday the Honduran ladies walked around with a tray of catraches for the Honduran workers. They would stop working go and sit down under the shade tree, eat their catraches, talk, laugh and enjoy fellowship together. So the North Americans stopped along side them to take a break as well. One gentlemen said, "How long are we going to break?" I said probably 15 minutes or so. We can learn so much from these people on how to stop and smell the roses so to speak. As the week went on the North Americans were figuring it out. John took time one day to sing to Nora with her guitar. And one day Nora was singing with Joy, Karen and Egla. Joy and Karen got to learn how to make tortillas one day. It was so nice to see the team of First Baptist sitting under the tree along side their brothers and sisters of Honduras. They enjoyed laughter and songs and it was all from two different languages. With God there is only one language: His son, Jesus Christ.

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