Saturday, June 29, 2013

Praying over first block and last block of home

As the first day progressed and we got beyond the opportunity it was time to lay the first block in one of the cornerstones.  Ken Johnson, team member, led the group in a prayer of the building of this home and what it will represent in its community, a godly home. After the prayer was completed the team went and found their spot for the first day of work.  There was only a few return folks who had worked together in the past.  The new folks fell in and learned quickly how to lay block, mix the mescla(mortar) and work as a team.  It is always a blessing to see how God puts teams together and brings them together as one to accomplish the purpose He had for them.  As the week progressed and the walls started going up so where the new found friendships.  As always the five days have come and gone and it is time to dedicate the home.  John Jones led the home dedication by sharing words in Spanish to Eva and her family.  Kaitlin Jones, John's daughter, presented the family with their bible.  At this time John asked everyone to join in the prayer of dedication over this home which God provided for Eva and Pedro.  We are only the hands and feet of Jesus. God opens the doors for opportunities to go and serve Him.  This group answered the call to go and build this family a home.  God is and will always be our great provider.  Without Him this home would not be a home.  Just a house.  We give God all the praise and glory for a job well done this week.  Matt presented Eva the key to her new home.  Eva unlocked the door, peeked inside, and slowly entered the threshold of her new home.  She also thanked God first for providing her and Pedro a home and for sending New Hope Baptist Church to help make it happen.  God is good all the time.  All the time God is good. 
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God- this is your true and proper worship."
Romans 12:1

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