Saturday, October 11, 2014

Many Gifts and God's Word

I sat back one day and was observing all that was taking place on Mt Horeb.  I started writing down the different jobs as I saw them taking place.  By the time I got finished I had listed over 35 different jobs.  Those 35 plus different jobs is what is bringing this ministry campus together in ways I never could imagine.  God is so big when we allow HIM to use us and our gifts to fulfill HIS calling and will for Mt Horeb.  It was humbling to watch each and ever person busily at work, laughing and sharing in God's glory!!!! 

Maurice, a team member shared on the first night could we have a devotional after lunch each day with the Honduran brothers and sisters.  What an awesome idea!!!  So we suggested this idea to Pastor Carlos who was all for it.  The first morning we asked Pastor Benjamin, ceramic tile guy, to do our first devotion.  We asked him around 8 o'clock and he was ready after lunch to share God's word.  Each day we asked someone to share a devotional.  Pastor Carlos, Ezekiel, Pastor Darwin, and Pastor Carlos closed out the last day.  Each day the "devotionals" lasted at least one hour.  I felt like I was in a revival celebrating God's greatness.  These guys can really share God's word and take it to a whole new level.  I as well as the other North Americans felt like we had been spiritually fed as well as physically fed at lunch time each day.  The Hondurans gathered around each day eagerly awaiting to hear God's word.  There is a couple of our friends who need Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Please pray with us as we pray for their salvation.  The awesome part of this story after the North Americans left the Hondurans continue meeting after lunch for an hour to have a devotional together.  All God's people said AMEN!!!!
 -" But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God."
Matthew 4:4

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