We knew there was going to be fish served on this day and we thought we were all eating at the church except the Hondurans who were going to eat at the house. This batch of fish and chips were for the Hondurans only as I was enjoying myself to some of those delicious banana chips. I thought this was all our lunch cooking together. Well I was badly mistaken. Eloise's family prepared this particular meal while down the road their was another batch of fish being prepared for the North Americans.
We arrived down the street to the Pulperia de Martha to a fish, shrimp, banana chips and chismo plate. Pastor Nick and Mike had to do a quick taste test to make sure it was good. The ladies enjoyed these two young men coming into their kitchen doing some taste testing. What a precious gift from God. This meal was not provided by Eloise but by Martha. This day was Martha's birthday and she always cooks fish for her church family on her birthday. Yes you read this correctly. Martha spends her birthday cooking fish for her church family each year. But today she decided to share her birthday with the North Americans. What a huge sacrifice made by this lady.
As the meal was being served the team was getting excited about their delicious fish and shrimp plate. A gentleman came through with Martha's birthday cake which we found out later was her husband. But the entertainment gets better as we shared with the North Americans the proper thank you in Spanish is "Quero Mos" which means I want more. So they practiced this phrase several times while we gathered the ladies out to say thank you in Spanish. Everyone even our North American family got a huge laugh out of this one. Thank you family for having such a great attitude. Paul said Mrs. Ginger I never thought you would do this to us, Mike yes but not you too. Sorry Paul this was just too easy not to do.
Well as the ladies stood there we decided to sing "Happy Birthday" to Martha. One of the team members shared how impressive it was she was singing with them. We got blessed with some of her birthday cake as well. Martha shared her birthday cake and her entire day with us. What a humbling experience we all had at the Pulperia de Martha. We can learn so much from our brothers and sisters of Honduras. They give all they have to complete strangers with joy in their hearts.

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