Monday, May 23, 2016

Thank You

First of all I want to thank God for such an amazing week serving these beautiful people of Honduras.  Secondly, I want to thank this group of college students who started out their summer break serving the Lord here in Honduras.  Thank you for your hard work, dedication to the ministry and to each other.  Thank you for setting the example for all of us to put God first in our lives through service and seeking His will.  Your obedience of coming sets examples for all of us who may be thinking about going on a mission trip national or international but just have not done it yet.  Let these young people teach us all we all can go and serve the Lord somewhere, just be willing to say yes and obey.  We love you all very much and will see you next year!!!

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.
1 Corinthians 11:1

On the last morning Caitlyn shared an amazing devotional before heading back to North Carolina.  She encouraged herself as well as her teammates to continue what they did here back home.  Find the time daily to get in the Word and ask for God's guidance in all their decisions even the very small ones.  To be intentional about checking in with each other as well as checking in with their Lord and Savior.  There is a lot back home to keep us from doing this but we can do this at home just like we did here.  We found time daily to be with the Lord and to talk to each other instead of texting each other.  Let's make time for each other and keep in touch as we did here.  This week was a life changing experience for me and I hope it was for you as well. 
This may not be Caitlyn's exact words but it is pretty close along with others who shared the same words throughout the week during the devotionals.  These young people set high standards for us adults reading this.  We were blessed to have them this week.

I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.
Proverbs 8:17

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10

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