Wednesday, August 23, 2017

A Speial Family

These three folks returned this after being gone way too long.  Mike and I want to welcome back Jimmy, his lovely wife Anita and their son Jay.  They love Honduras and Honduras loves them. They came back two years ago to help build the North American Dorms.  Upon arriving here their first day they all three were in awe of the beauty and grandeur of the mountains surrounding Mt. Horeb.  How green everything was and how many more facilities have gone up since their last visit to Honduras.  They are three hard working folks.  They worked well as a family which is so special these days.  They love each other and others like Jesus would in all they do and say. They exemplify Jesus Christ most graciously.  They gave a lot to their team this week.  Jimmy cooked breakfast every morning at 5:00 am while Anita was over on the lunch station table preparing everyone's sandwich,  Jay was outback making the Gatorade and water.  So this family kept everyone physically fed and kept them hydrated as well.  They are truly team players and we love that they are back in Honduras again. 

Image result for as for me and my house

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