Friday, August 25, 2017

Many Job Duties


Before the team leaves out each morning there is so much to get done on the ministry campus.  Jimmy and team leader, Danny cooked a hot hearty North Carolina Baptist Men breakfast, scrambled eggs, grits (brought from North Carolina) bacon and toast.  Wuilmer one of the security guards was appreciative of the pot of coffee ready each morning around 5:00 am while he was making his rounds as security guard.  Anita is up there as well making everyone's sandwich order to completion.  The others soon joined in the coffee time while waiting for their breakfast.

The rest of the team went out to load the truck daily with Mike.  Mike was happy to have eager helpers, Josh and Braden loading the truck each day.  They always met him down there or was waiting for Mike's arrival to the bodega.  Jay, Brad and Eddie made up the Gatorade and water each day with joy in their hearts in preparation for Anita, the hydration specialist.  Everyone pulled their load daily on this team which made Mike and my job so much easier daily. This team's day started early and all this prep work made it for a beautiful day serving the Lord.

Image result for working for the Lord not man bible hub

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