Monday, February 3, 2020

Our First Time Missionaries, Lee and Christina

Mike and I came to acknowledge this was Lee and his lovely wife Christina, "Tina" first time on an international mission trip.  Tina shared with me this was her first mission trip ever and I truly would not have known this if she had not shared this with me one day as we were working back from the sports center.  This young Christian couple exhibited strong faith and trust in their Lord and Savior the entire week.  They came all in and gave it their all as they served side by side this week.  They laid the corners together on the first day.  They faithfully washed breakfast and dinner dishes daily together.  Lee led in prayer several times throughout the week with boldness and sincere love for His Savior.  It is so refreshing to see a young couple and young in their walk with Christ being so solid in their walk.  They both shared this week was huge for both of them as they stepped out in faith what God would reveal to them as a couple.  What a testimony.  They can return home to their sweet daughter and share with her their love for this beautiful country and how as a couple they will be able to talk and share their many memories together whenever the time arises.  Their love for Jesus first was most evident and their love for their church family as well was evident as they worked side by side with family and friends from Grace Baptist.  Their love for each other was precious in so many ways as well.  Thank you both for what all you did in so many different ways, leading devotionals for the first time, getting out of your comfort zones, serving relentlessly daily, sharing in the home dedication, praying and encouraging each other as well as your team each day.

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