Saturday, February 1, 2020

Praising God for the First Block

Meida gathered the family together around their first block of their first home as Joel gathered his team.  Everyone laid a gentle hand upon another person until we were are united as one.  Joel asked Pastor John to pray over the first block.  Pastor John lifted up praises unto our Lord thanking Him for this amazing opportunity to serve this family through HIM.  He prayed for this family whom he just had met about an hour prior.  We started our week in the left front corner of this home and as Pastor John prayed I know God was so proud of what was unfolding in His Honor.  A family of six was receiving their first home by some seven strangers from North America.  We definitely have an awesome awesome God who loves us so much He would plan this day and this time for each and every one of us.  As Pastor John was praying I realized this almost did not happen because of a diamond shape foundation.  But God knew it would happen because this week was in HIS Plan.  Thank you God for being more powerful and all knowing than any of us can even imagine.
On Friday evening we sang "Blessed Be Your Name" and  "In Christ Alone" were sung and yes Blessed be HIs NAME  when you see such as this unfolding thousands of miles away from the North Americans' homes for a family as the Rodriguez.  As Beau said everyday is a gift  Life is a reward for choosing to follow Christ obediently.  This precious moment here would not have taken place if a bunch of humans had not fixed a foundation and other humans had not said yes!!! It took both nationalities to get this one right and they all did.  As they all did their part they came together for the first prayer over the house which in five days will be a home.  Joel's question today was "Are you building things out of wood and straw or are you building the kingdom?"

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