The dental team is up and running. They worked diligently on patients all day long for three days. They each had different jobs to do. We had three who have been serveral years, David, Rich and Stuart, the team leader. There were two rookies on board who were only rookies for about five minutes, Don and Carol. They fell in and went to work on what gift had called them to do, dental. Wendy, Frances(bilingual) Alice(bilingual), Lawrence(bilingual) and Stephen all were assistants who worked very hard beside the five dentists. Steve who has been several times cleaned instruments all week. He is in the construction business back home and he got out of his comfort zone and allowed God to use him with a dental team. Some of these people had never worked together before. Amazing how when you have a common bond, Jesus Christ, you can do anything, Phillippins 4:13 They had a rythmn that was amazing. At each station there was a translator/assistant and sometimes the translator was working between two stations. The lines were never ending but they perservered until every patient could be seen. They each took each patient and worked on the patient as if they were the only one. They were gentle, kind and genuine with each individual who sat in there chair. Mike and I saw God at work in a mighty way this week. To God be the praise and the glory for all He has done through the dental team He sent to Honduras.

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