The amazing part of this dental team is they ask the patients if they could pray with them before each procedure. They saw 325 patients and performed 865 procedures. How beautiful is the power of prayer and how many times they prayed during their week in Honduras. They put God first each and every time. And when they would share throughout the week God always got the glory from the easist procedure to the most difficult one. Alice did an amazing analogy of their dental work this week and God's Word. Even when there was a difficult tooth that would not come out. They worked diligently until the tooth was extracted. And that is like God with us when we are struggling or wavering towards darkness God works diligently until He brings us back to Him. They would never give up on a complicated procedure. They perservered as we should as Christians. No matter how hard it is we keep on working at what God has called us to do. And allow God to work through us and to use us to glorify His kingdom. She shared how each instrument was important or they could not do their procedure. Every one is just as important as the other. As it is with the dental team. Each one of them played a huge part in making this week a successful one. Our devotional morning and evening were all like the one I shared above by Alice. They put alot time in their spiritual journey this week as well as their dental committment. Mike and I felt like we were in a continual revival this week with all the sharing and reading from God's word. To God be the glory for great things He hath done in Honduras this week.

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