The Church held service every night. There was a team member who shared their testimony and another team member who shared a sermon. The Honduras churches sing praise hymns for about forty five minutes during their services. The service started out with singing, a testimony, more singing and then the sermon. We praised the Lord for four beautiful nights. There was one night Brian Sandifer was preaching about Noah and the Ark and getting on the boat to Heaven. The invitation was amazing. The majority of the congregation was at the altar rededicating or accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior. Each night was a night of revival. The Holy Spirit was at work at this church in Choluteca. Pastor Ancelmo always has a smile on his face. That is one of the first thing Pastor Brian Maness noticed about him. His smile is definitely contagious. Pastor Ancelmo's church is growing and he gives alot of his time and energy for his church family and it truly showed throughout the whole week. On Sunday morning, the final service, we arrive in front of the church and there was construction work going on. About ten members of the church were working on the front of the church. So we walk through the construction crew and headed into the church. The service started and the construction work continued. So the praise hymns started up and construction work continued. The sermon started and the construction work continued. These are the elders of the church who worked during the week to provide for their families. So Saturday and Sundays and maybe not even Saturdays are their only free days to work on the construction of the church. So as we were worshiping on the inside as they were worshiping on the outside. I looked out the door once and saw one of the elder's, Oscar drinking some water and sweating bullets. he looked at me and gave me thumbs up. We have to be careful and not judge what someone else is doing when it doesn't look right because that is when they are doing exactly what God has called them to do. And by the way those men were in church every night during the revival services. I saw this week a church who works together in all areas of the church family. We always learn a lesson from our brothers and sisters of Honduras. They are our blessings and they do not even know it. Thank you Pastor Ancelmo and church family for a wonderful week worshiping and serving the Lord.