Due to different school schedules of the children there was VBS in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon. VBS consisted of a bible story, some songs and games and a craft each day. The children enjoy VBS as much as our children back home. Heidi, Ada and Carlos helped the team alot with their translating. Heidi knew the favorite songs the children sang down here. Heidi and Carlos are translators from Honduras. Ada was a team member who was also a translator. The children enjoyed the game Simone says. They enjoyed making the sheep. Susan made over 100 sheeps and had them already in ziploc bags. They get to the church the first day to do VBS and there was 20 children there. The word had not spread yet we were there. But as always God had a different plan for those sheep. Susan was almost in tears when she saw only 20 children and she had over 100 sheep. So the next day the sheep made a trip to the public school. God is good all the time. So we may have our plans but God always has his agenda too. This was Susan's first trip to Honduras and what a blessing for her sheep to lead over 250 children to Christ. Thank you Susan for the labor of love in making the sheep and Praise the Lord for leading the team to the public school . One day the salvation braclet was given out to the children and of course they all came to church wearing their bracelets. At one VBS they were given a cross to wear around their necks. It was just so precious to see the children excited about Jesus. Glory be to God for a great week of VBS.

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