Team 107 had been out a couple of days evangelizing. One day they came home for lunch and said they were able to go to a public school. One of the ladies of the church encouraged them to go in and ask if they could share the gospel. This lady worked very hard beside the team that week. She saw no fear in asking the public school permission to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with a public school. So the team gets permission by the Principal and Asst. Principal. They went from classroom to classroom sharing the story of the Lost Sheep. After Marty and Heidi(translator 
and God sent blessing) shared the story, then Brian, Susan, Carlos ( God sent blessing)and the ladies of the church and the young man in the yellow shirt helped the children make a sheep. Each classroom was asked the question do you want Jesus in your heart. During the two days they were at the school 250 children came to know Jesus Christ because of one bold Honduran lady who wanted to go in the public school and ask if they could share the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you are reading this today and are not sure you know Jesus Christ please ask Jesus into your heart. It is the most beautiful journey you will ever take. To live and serve a mighty Savior. In the bible Jesus says well done good and faithful servants.
Absolutely wonderful Mike and Ginger!!