Team 110 arrived wide open and ready to go. They got to the job site each morning at 8:00 sharp. The Honduran volunteers were there ready to work beside their brothers and sisters in Christ. The Hondurans started the mixing of the mortar while the Americans worked on putting in the corner block and unloading the cooler of water and tools for the job ahead. Some were bringing the blocks and placing them where they need to be to start the process of building this home. There are many jobs they are constantly going on to make this job possible. They were not assigned a job by their team leader, Ed, but saw what needed to be done and allowed God to use them in that job for the week. If something else needed to be done flexiblity was a huge word on this team. It was amazing watching the walls get higher and higher and the doors and windows placed in the proper location. As the home was coming together there were relationships coming together as well. The Hondurans and Americans slowly built relationships even with the language barrier that will last a life time. When you are working for the Lord amazing things can come together. Because with God there is no language barrier. Each day the house became closer to becoming a home. There was one small problem one day. The team came across a huge traffic jam. We had to wait for our friends to get across the road. The cattle down here have the right away. Also while the men work building the house Beth and Bonnie the hydration ladies/VBS ladies were building relationships with the ladies and the children of the area. There was alot of love to be found in this community. The Hondurans were more than helpful in working beside of this team of Americans. Thank you Team 110 for obeying God's calling to come to Honduras and work beside your brothers and sisters in Christ to build a home for Nelson and Diena and there two beautiful children. To God be the glory.

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