Team 110 had one small opportunity but it did not hold them back. They had nine trucks full of supplies for construction and VBS that did not make it to Honduras. Once again flexibilty was apart of their vocabulary. Mike had called Bonnie to let her know they may have up to 180 children in VBS so Bonnie and Beth got busy back in the states adding more to their stock. But those items were not put in the trucks. So once again God is good all the time. The first day of VBS there was around 50 children. Oh and did I say where VBS was held out? A neighbor, Carlos, of Nelson and Diena opened up his cow pasture where there was shade trees for VBS each day. So day one was a successful VBS. The trunks arrived on Saturday just in time for the second VBS. God is good all the time. They sang songs each day, shared a bible story, did a skit with the bible story and ended it with a craft. The mothers were as excited about the VBS as their chidren . There was times the cows would come up to see what was going on in their cow pasture. God's word can be shared anywhere if you are willing to go there. By the last day of VBS the ladies had 200 children in VBS. It was a blessing the men had finished the home for Nelson and Diena because they were able to help the ladies and their translator, Josh finish out the week of VBS. When word gets out there are Americans in the area the norm is each day VBS multiplies and this was definitely the case with Memorial Baptist Church of Greenville. God mulitplied the gift bags the team had brought to give to the children. Somehowlike the fish and loaves there was some left over. Thank you for all the hard work and organization you put into VBS to help these children have an enjoyable week learning about Jesus Christ. At church service one night a little boy accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. The angels were definitely dancing and singing in heaven and this is what this ministry is all about. Bringing the lost to Jesus Christ whether it be through builiding a home or having VBS in a cow pasture. To God be the glory.

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